Muallif: Otauli (Rahimjon Otaev)

Tarjimai hol yohud ruhiyatning yana bir ehromi

       Jahon adabiyoti va fanida tarjimai hol yozish bobida ko'pdan-ko'p ibratli tajribalar to'plangan. Chunonchi, "Turkiston elining shayhulmashoyihi" Ahmad Yassaviyning o'z umr yo'lini yilma-yil bayon qilib yozgan hikmatli satrlari va yo o'zbek xalqining chinakamiga bulbuligo'yo baxshisi Ergash Jumanbulbul o'g'lining "Tarjimai hol (Kunlarim)" dostonini ko'pchilik yaxshi biladi. Buyuk ingliz tabiatshunosi Ch. Darvin va buyuk hind mutafakkiri J. Neruning "Tarjimai hol" asarlari oddiygina tarjimai holni ham betakror asar, qo'lga ilinadigan salmoqli kitobga aylantirish san'atining ajoyib namunalaridir.
       Mazkur tarjimai hol she'ru doston, ulkan asaru salmoqli kitob emas, allaqanday iddaoli bayonot ham emas, ixcham bayonnomami-izhornomagina, xolos. Har qalay u, sizda bir zahmatkash Yozuvchining ijodiy yo'li xususida aniq-ravshan tasavvur hosil qila oladi, degan umiddamiz...
       Rahimjon Otaev (Otauli) O'zbekiston davlat mustaqilligi yillarida nosir-Yozuvchi, publitsist-esseist, munaqqid va tarjimon sifatida faol ijod qilayotgan adiblarimizdan biridir. Uning anchagina mashaqqatli hayot yo'li va serqirra ijodiy faoliyati ayrim ibrat bo'larli jihatlarga egadir..
       Toshkentdan Chimkent orqali qadimiy Turkiston shahriga borar bo'lsangiz, ming yillik o'zbek she'riyatining bir sarchashmasi bo'lmish mashhur "Devoni hikmat" kitobining muallifi, avliyolar sarvari, "shayxulmashoyix" va "Hazrati Sultoni orifin" deya ulug'lanuvchi Ahmad Yassaviy hazratlari abadiy qo'nim topgan bu qadimiy shaharga kiraverishda "Iqon" degan bir qadimiy qishloqdan o'tasiz. E'tiboringiz uchun, bu qishloqda XX asr o'zbek she'riyatining eng yorqin siymolaridan biri Mirtemir domla tavallud topganlar. Ahmad Yassaviy qabri ustiga Sohibqiron bobomiz Amir Temur hazratlari qurdirgan muhtasham maqbarani tomosha qilib, tegishli ziyorat va tilovatdan so'ng ruhingiz allanechuk tiniqlashib, ko'nglingiz ravshan tortib, Qoratovga olib boruvchi qirq chaqirimlik yo'lga chiqsangiz, yo'l boshidagi "Koriz" deb ataluvchi mo''jaz bir qishloqcha - bugungi kunda Turkiston shahrining tarkibiy qismiga aylanib ketgan bu zaminda hozirgi o'zbek bolalar adabiyotining yorqin namoyandasi, qardosh qozoq va qoraqalpoq adabiyotlarining ulkan tarjimoni Nosir Fozilov tug'ilib o'sgan, agar bilmasangiz bilib qo'ying! Qoratovga boruvchi qirq chaqirimlik yo'lning qoq belida yana bir qadimiy qishloq bo'lib, u qadimda Qarnoq, bugungi kunda esa, Otaboy deb ataladi. Bu qishloqda, bilasiz, albatta, ayniqsa, o'zining "Ulug'bek xazinasi" va "Diyonat" romanlari bilan o'zbek adabiyotining olamshumul dovrug'iga yangi dovrug' qo'sha olgan atoqli adibimiz, XX asr Turkiston adabiyotining bir faxri-iftixori Odil Yoqubov tug'ilib o'sgan! Bugina emas. Xudo beraman desa qo'sha-qo'sha beraverar ekan, "Yassaviyning so'nggi safari" tarixiy romani bilan millionlab kitobxonlarimiz mehrini qozongan Yozuvchi Sa'dulla Siyoev bilan bir paytlar "Oqsoy" romani, ko'pgina qissa, hikoya va ocherklari bilan mashhur bo'lgan Yozuvchi Sunnatulla Anorboev ham ayni shu qishloqda tug'ilgan!
       Hozirda Turkiston shahriga qo'shilib ketgan Koriz qishlog'i bilan Otaboy qishlog'i o'rtasidagi yigirma chaqirimlik yo'lda qadimiylikda ulardan mutlaqo qolishmaydigan tag'in uchta qishloq bor. Qorachiq qishlog'ida 1924 yilda Manzura Abdujabborova degan bir qizaloq, Yugnak qishlog'ida esa, 1920 yilda Egamberdi Otaev degan bir o'g'il, shu ikki qishloqning qoq o'rtasidagi Chipon deb ataluvchi qishloqda esa, 1949 yilning 3 aprelida shu ona va shu otadan bir farzand tug'ilgan bo'lib, uning ismi Rahimjon, familiyasi Otaev, adabiy taxallusi esa, Otaulidir. U bolajon o'zbekning bir oilasidagi to'qqiz farzandning uchinchisi bo'lib dunyoga keldi: 1945 yilda Hakimjon akasi, 1947 yilda Anvara opasi, 1955 yilda Dilbar singlisi, 1953-1964 yillar miyonasida Karimjon, Murod, Maqsud, Ma'ruf va Orif ukalari tug'ilganlar.
       Rahimjon Otaev (Otauli) 1965 yilda - o'n olti yoshida otasidan judo bo'ldi. Ko'p yillar boshlang'ich sinf o'qituvchisi bo'lib ishlagan otasi, qolaversa, o'zining ham savodini chiqargan birinchi muallimidan ayrilish o'spirin ruhida muayyan burilish hosil qildi. O'shanga qadar matematika olimpiadalariga qatnashgan, musiqa va tasviriy san'atga alohida ishtiyoq bildirgan, hatto 1964 yilda otasi bilan Toshkentdagi Benkov nomli rassomchilik bilim yurtini "birrov ziyorat qilib qaytgan" Rahimjon o'zi ham kutmagan holda "Turkistonda mashhur shoir" sifatida tuman ro'znomasida dastlabki she'rlarini peshma-pesh e'lon qila boshladi. Shulardan biri "Yig'lagan ota", yana biri "Yassaviy maqbarasi" deb ataladi. O'tgan asrning oltmishinchi yillari o'rtalarida Turkiston tuman ro'znomasida bosilib chiqqan bu she'rlar shahdi quyoshga etgulik, lekin o'zi erga kirgudek o'n etti yashar etimning qattiq jumbushga kelgan qalb tug'yonlari ifodasi edi....
       Lekin matematikaga bo'lgan ishtiyoq aksariyat qarindoshlari matematika fani o'qituvchilari bo'lgan o'spirinning qonida bor va u boshqa ishtiyoqlardan kuchliroq ekan, 1966 yilgi mash'um zilziladan keyingi Toshkentga o'qigani kelgan Rahimjon Otaev hozirgi O'zbekiston milliy universitetining filologiya fakultetiga emas, matematika fakultetiga hujjat topshirdi. Forobiy ko'chasidagi bir xonadonda ijarada turar ekan, kutilmagan bir tarzda 1966 yilning 10 iyulida atoqli shoir G'afur G'ulomning dafn marosimida qatnashib, unda tilsiz-zabonsiz Oybekni va tili biyron ne bir Yozuvchiyu shoirlarni qadamlar bilan o'lchanuvchi masofada turib tirik holda ilk bora ko'rdi... Hoynahoy ayni shu kutilmagan "zilzila" sabab shoirlikdan ham, matematika fakultetining kechki bo'limida o'qishdan ham butkul voz kechib, Turkistonga qaytdi. Bir yillik yo'l qidirish, ikkillanish, izlanishlar nihoyasida tag'in Toshkentga kelib, 1967-1973 yillarda universitetning filologiya fakultetida, kechki bo'limda o'qidi, ayni chog'da, zilziladan keyingi Toshkent qurilishlarida betonchi-armaturachi bo'lib ishladi, 1968-1973 yillarda esa, Til va adabiyot ilmiy tekshirish instituti folklor bo'limining laboranti sifatida adabiyotshunoslik fani, Xodi Zarif, Muzayyana Alaviya, Ergash Rustamov va boshqa atoqli adabiyotshunos olimlar hamda ularning ilmiy ishlari bilan yaqindan tanishdi. Ikkinchi kursda "Ravshan" dostoni, uchinchi kursda Mashrab ijodi, to'rtinchi kursda Rabindranat Tagor falsafasi haqida kurs ishi yozdi. "Murodxon" dostoni to'g'risidagi dastlabki ilmiy maqolasi birinchi ustozi To'ra Mirzaev tahriri ostida 1971 yilda taniqli olimlarning nufuzli bir jamoa to'plamida bosilib chiqqanida u yigirma ikki yoshda edi! 1973 yilda universitetning filologiya fakultetini bitirar ekan, etika va estetika kafedrasida atoqli xalq baxshisi Ergash Jumanbulbuldan yozib olingan dostonlardan iborat besh jildlik "Bulbul taronalari" majmuasi asosida "Romantizmning estetik mohiyati" degan mavzuda diplom ishini muvaffaqiyatli himoya qildi. Mazkur ilmiy ishning rahbari ahloqshunos faylasuf Anvar Abdusamatov, rasmiy opponenti taniqli faylasuf olim Haydar Aliqulov, norasmiy opponent sifatida muhokamada qatnashgan olimlardan biri akademik Baxtiyor Nazarov edi...
       Yigirma to'rt yoshida Shunday murakkab mavzudagi diplom ishini muvaffaqiyatli himoya qilgan, ilmiy maqolalari etarlicha e'lon qilingan, Til va adabiyot institutidek ulkan ilmiy dargohda ishlab, minimumlarni topshirib, nomzodlik ishini yozishga ruhan shay bo'lib turgan yigit, agar faqatgina o'zini va ilmiy ishini o'ylaganida, uzog'i uch yilda nomzodlikni himoya qilishi muqarrar edi. Birinchi ustozi To'ra Mirzaev "Shunday ilmiy dargohni tashlab Iqoniga ketib qolgan birinchi shogirdim Farhod Rahimovning o'rniga seni menga xudo etkazdi" deya qanchalik suyunar edi. Lekin u, To'ra Mirzaev ta'tilga ketgan chog'ida universitet diplomini qo'lga olgan zahoti o'zining kelajagini emas, qishloqdagi oyisi, akasi, opa-ukalarini o'ylab, imi-jimida ishdan bo'shab, Turkistonga qaytdi. Bir necha oy Turkiston tuman ro'znomasida adabiy xodim va tarjimon bo'lib ishladi. Yilchi sifatida Turkistondan harbiy xizmatga chaqirilgan yigirma nafar tengdoshlari qatorida poezdda to'qqiz kecha-kunduz yo'l yurib, Yapon dengizi sohilida joylashgan Naxodka porti yaqinidagi bir polkka borib tushdi. "Rus tilini suv qilib ichib yuborgan olim" sifatida polk shtabida pisar (o'zbekcha - mirzo, arabcha - munshiy) qilib olib qolishmoqchi edilar, o'zicha isyon ko'tardi: "Olti yil universitet bilan institutda rosa pisarlik qildim, meni Shunday bir joyga jo'natingki, toki xizmat xizmatdek bo'lsin!" "Talablarga muvofiq" Shunday bir chakalakzorga jo'natildiki, doimiy harbiy tayyorlikda turgan divizionning yadro zarrasi bor raketani uchirish uskunasiga joylashtirish murvatini bilak kuchi bilan burovchi "birinchi raqam" sifatida jami yuzdan ortiq urishqoqlar,.o'zidan besh-olti yosh kichkina "oqsoqollar" iskanjasida yolg'iz qoldi. Kaltaklarning alam-achchig'ini murvat burashdan oldi. Tutqichni tutamlab turib shunaqanggi aylantirdiki... nizomda belgilangan vaqt ko'rsatkichini qariyb yarmiga qisqartirib, namunaviy raqam sifatida Vladivostokdan Volgogradga qadar jamiki sinov maydonlarini qadam-baqadam kezib chiqdi! Atigi bir yilning qoq yarmida dam poezdda, dam samoletda, dam avtobusda qariyb qirq ming chaqirim yo'l bosdi... "Yurgan - daryo, o'tirgan - bo'yra" deya bilib aytgan mashoyixlar. O'tirganida yo polk shtabida, yo institut bo'limida mudrab o'tiravergan bo'larmidi. Axir bo'yradan ham, po'stakdan ham hech qachon jiddiy Yozuvchi chiqmagan, chiqmaydi ham! Jiddiy Yozuvchi erga urganlari sayin baayni sherdek na'ra tortib ko'kka sapchiydigan, tinib-tinchimaydigan, mashaqqatlardan qo'rqmaydigan, ko'pni ko'rgan - ko'pgina vaziyatlardagi ko'pdan-ko'p ruhiy holatlarni yuragidan, jonidan va qonidan kechirgan odamdan chiqadi. Tabib tabib emas, boshidan o'tkazgan tabib deydilar. Yozuvchi esa, ta'bir joiz bo'lsa, inson ruhining tabibidir.
       Ha, chinakam Yozuvchi ko'p yurishi, ko'pni ko'rishi, ko'p narsani bilishi kerak. Lekin R. Otaev bir yillik harbiy xizmatdan qaytib, Turkiston shahri bilan Chipon qishlog'i o'rtasidagi o'n ikki chaqirimlik yo'lda uzzukun zuv qatnar ekan, tez orada dil-dildan amin bo'ldiki, bunday sarsonlik-sargardonliklardan tuzukroq bir ish chiqishi amrimahol! Garchi tuman ro'znomasining bir sonini - oshiqona she'rlari, bir sonini - hikoyasi, yana bir sonini - maqolasi tuppa-tuzuk "obod qilayotgan" bo'lsa-da, uning samarasi... Namoz o'qib topgan savobing isrof qilgan tahorat suvingga arzimaydi deganlaridek... Bir necha oylik qatnovdan so'ng samarasi kam ishdan voz kechib, otasi qilgan ishni qilishni har jihatdan ma'qul ko'rdi: otasi ishlagan Chipon sakkiz yillik maktabida o'zbek tili-adabiyoti va rus tilidan dars berishga o'tdi. Biror yildan keyin o'qituvchi Hakimjon akasi uylanib, injener Karimjon ukasi politexnika institutidagi o'qishini bitirib kelgach, nihoyat, oilaviy sharoiti unga ko'ngli tusagan ishni qilish imkonini berdi. 1975 yilda Toshkentga qaytib keldi, lekin ikki yilcha avval o'zi namoyishkorona voz kechib ketgan Til va adabiyot institutiga qaytib ishga kirolmadi. Boshqa "yana-da kengroq maydonlar"ga ham talpinib etolmadi. Tag'in otasi qilgan ishni qilishga to'g'ri keldi. Chilonzor tumanidagi 200-o'rta maktabga o'qituvchi bo'lib ishga joylashdi. O'sha paytda Lenin nomi bilan ataluvchi bu maktab O'zbekiston Respublikasi Xalq ta'limi vazirligining tayanch maktablaridan biri bo'lib, unda estetika fani bo'yicha fakultativ mashg'ulotlar endigina joriy etilgan, lekin estetika fani bo'yicha respublikada etakchi mutaxassis bo'lmish vazir Said SHermuhammedovning bu tashabbusini qo'llab-quvvatlay oladigan o'qituvchi maktabda topilmay turgan ekan! Har ikki tomon uchun ham baayni tabib buyurgandek bir ish bo'ldi. Ikki mingdan ziyod o'quvchi ta'lim oladigan bu ulkan dargohning o'ziga yarasha kattagina qozonida qaynashdan tashqari "Turmush, hulq-atvor va mehnat estetikasi" degan bir o'quv qo'llanmasi, aniqrog'i, ilmiy- pedagogik risola, xullas, dastlabki ilmiy risolasini yozdi. Maktabda to'plangan bir yillik tajriba, estetika fani bo'yicha yoqlangan diplom ishi va bu risola qo'lyozmasini qo'sh kaftida tutib, 1976 yilning yozida Falsafa va huquq institutining o'sha paytdagi direktori, o'zi alohida ixlos qo'ygan Abu Nasr Forobiy falsafasi bo'yicha mamlakatimizdagi qariyb yagona yuksak malakali mutaxassis Muzaffar Xayrulllaevga yuzma-yuz keldi. O'sha vaqtda SHayxova mudiralik qiladigan etika va estetika bo'limiga laborant sifatida ishga olar bo'ldilar. Uch kunda maktabdan bo'shab, hujjatlarini saranjomlab kelsa, voajab, institutda ob-havo butunlay o'zgargan, nimagadir allaqanday tutun... Laborantlik o'rni ham nimagadir birdaniga yo'q bo'lib qolibdi. "YOtib qolguncha otib qol, urushda turish yo'q" deganlar. To'ppa-to'g'ri vazir Said Shermuhamedovning qabuliga kirib, dardini dasturxon qildi-da, Moskva va yo Sankt-Peterburgga maqsadli aspiranturaga yo'llanma so'radi. Vazir aytdiki, "Aspiranturaga imkoniyatimiz bo'lmayroq turibdi, lekin sizni estetik tarbiya masalalari bo'yicha uslubchi sifatida ishga olishimiz, ilmiy ishingizga shaxsan o'zim rahbarlik qilishim mumkin!"
       Buni qarangki, tag'in tabib buyurgandek bir ish bo'ldi. Vazirlikka qarashli Pedagogika ilmiy tekshirish instituti, qisqagina nomi bilan aytganda, "Pednauk"-"Pedakademiya" 30-yillarda dastlab tashkil etilganida Qozon universiteti kutubxonasining qoq yarmi shu dargohga ko'chirib keltirilgan ekan deng! Vazirlikning rus tilidagi "pisarlik" yozishmalaridan vaqt orttira olgan paytlarida shu boy kutubxonaga baayni tanda qo'yib yotib oldi. Uch yil mobaynida qadimiy yunon faylasuflaridan boshlab to hindi Radxakrishnan bilan Deshpande, nemis Freyd bilan Shopengauer, ingliz Darvin bilan rus Mechnikovga qadar yuzlab faylasuflarning insoniy tuyg'ular haqidagi ilmiy qarashlarini qoniga singdirishdan tashqari uch yuz sahifa hajmidagi "Tuyg'ular estetikasi" degan ilmiy tadqiqotini yozib tamomladi. Mazkur ishning kichik bir tarkibiy qismi, masalan, 1976 yila mashhur "Guliston" jurnalining mashhur bosh muharriri Asqad Muxtorning shaxsan tahriri ostida "Sirli olam" degan ilmiy-publitsistik maqola sifatida chop etildi. Yana bir qismi - "Ruhiyatlar birligi" maqolasi shaxsan Odil Yoqubov tahriri ostida "Toshkent oqshomi" gazetasida bosilib chiqdi. Bular R.Otaevning ilk ilmiy-publitsistik, ilmiy-ommabop maqolalari, birgina ruscha atama va arabcha istiloh bilan aytganda, "esse"-"badia" janridagi dastlabki ijod namunalari edi. Uch yuz sahifalik ilmiy ishini o'zi rus tiliga tarjima qilish taraddudida yurganida, kutilmaganda O'zbekistonda estetika fani bo'yicha maxsus ilmiy kengash  nimagadir birdaniga yo'q qilindi-qo'yildi... Men qilaman o'ttiz, egam qiladi to'qqiz! Buyoqda vazirlikdagi pisarlik ishlariga ko'milib ketayotgandek... Bechoraga ne chora bor?.. O'ylay-o'ylay tag'in bilganini qilishga majbur bo'ldi. "Tuyg'ular estetikasi" nomining o'rniga o'zi ixlos qo'ygan G'afur G'ulom she'rining yarim satri ("Osmon to'la yulduzlar")ni qo'yib, tagiga qo'shimcha nom ("Tuyg'ular haqida suhbat")ni qo'shib, ilmiy jumlalarga badiiy tus berib, ilmiy ishni essega aylantirdi-qo'ydi. Uni dastlab G'afur G'ulom nashriyotida bosh muharrir o'rinbosari bo'lib ishlab turgan yurtdoshi Odil Yoqubovga ko'rsatdi. Atoqli adib o'zicha jon kuydirdi: "Bunday cheki-chegarasi yo'q mavzuning ichida cho'kib ketadi-ku odam! Nima, joningiz po'latdanmi! O'z boshingizni o'ylasangiz-chi!.."
       Qo'lyozmani universitetdagi diltortar domlalaridan biri Norboy Xudoyberganovning uyiga olib borib berdi-da, o'zi Turkistonga bordi.U erda biror yil avval tanishib, tahririyatda birga ishlab,  ko'ngil qo'ygani  Dilbar degan bir qizga uylanib qaytdi. Buni qarangki, qizning otasi Turkistonning qadimiy Boboy qishlog'idan, onasi Savron qishlog'idan ekan...Toshkentga "boshi ikkita" bo'lib qaytgach, Norboy Xudoyberganovga  sim qoqqan edi, yuraklarni allanechuk orziqtiruvchi javob qaytdi: "Asaringizga taqriz yozib, nashriyotga topshirib qo'ydim. Borib oling, ko'ring..."
       Bordi, oldi, ko'rdi. Taqrizmisan taqriz! "Ilmiy kashfiyot darajasidagi asar" mazmunidagi eng baland baho! Norboy Xudoyberganovdek o'ta talabchan munaqqiddan chiqqanmi bu baho? Endi ishlar yurishib ketsa kerag-ov!..
       1978-1981 yillar mobaynida R. Otaev o'z boshi, oilasi - ikkinchi boshi, naqd o'ttiz yoshida ko'rgani yolg'iz o'g'li, uning uy-joyi, Vatanini ancha jiddiy o'yladi, o'ylaganini o'ylaganiga qo'shdi, ko'paytirdi... Lekin qo'lyozma jonivor... shu to'rt yil mobaynida Norboy Xudoyberganovning avj pardadagi maqtovi bilan birga qimir etmay yotaverdi. Azbaroyi shu qo'lyozmani qimirlatish maqsadida, nashriyotning o'ziga ishga kirolmagani, buyog'i rus tilidagi yozishmalarga ustasi farang bo'lib ketgani sababli, 1979 yilda "Goskomizdat" degan tashkilot (Hozirgi Matbuot va axborot agentligi)ga ishga kirishga hujjat topshirdi. Endi ish boshlayman deb turganida... rahmatli Erkin Boysinov bosh muharrir sifatida allanechuk zorlanib tushuntirdiki, TSKadan O'ktam Usmonov qo'ng'iroq qilibdi, Murod Muhammad Do'st degan bir yosh Yozuvchi Moskvadek joydan ayni shu joyga ko'z tikib kelayotgan ekan! Keyinchalik ma'lum bo'ldiki, o'sha yosh Yozuvchi aslida boshqa balandroq joylarga ko'z tikkan ekan, bu joyni esa, R. Otaev har gal kechikibroq xabar topaverdiki, Azim Suyun, Muhammad Rahmon va boshqa tengdoshlari obod qildilar. R. Otaev ham o'ziga etgulik qaysargina emasmi, to'rt yilcha kutib, 1981 yilda axiyri shu joyga etib keldi. Keldiyu eng shimarib biryo'la "sakkiz frontda" ish boshladi: avvalo "O'qituvchi" nashriyotidagi risolasi bilan G'afur G'ulom nashriyotidagi essesini baravariga harakatga keltirdi. So'ngra o'nlab nashriyotlarda peshma-pesh bosilib chiqayotgan yuzlab badiiy asarlarni bir chekkadan o'qib tushirib, taqriz qilib, shu asosda rus tilida o'zbek adabiyoti xususida bir necha turkum obzorlar tayyorladi. Ayni chog'da sirtqi aspiranturaga o'qishga kirib, Norboy Xudoyberganov rahbarligida "Hozirgi o'zbek qissalari tipologiyasi" mavzuidagi ikkinchi ilmiy ishini boshlab yubordi. Va nihoyat, besh-olti yillik tanaffusdan keyin o'zi ham favqulodda bir shiddat bilan hikoyalar, qissalar, badialar yozishga tushdi. Bor-yo'g'i ikki-uch yilning ichida "Qaytar dunyo" (keyinchalik bu asar nomini "Falakning gardishi" deb o'zgartirishga to'g'ri keldi) qissasi, "Qalb darchasi" kichik qissasi, "Shafqat", "Munojot", "Oltin olmalar", "Bo'lajak Pushkinning akasi" va boshqa anchagina hikoyalarni yozib tashladi. To'g'ri, ularning barchasi keyichalik, to'rt-besh yilcha o'tibgina bosilib chiqdi. R. Otaevning hech bir nasriy asari bunday "tanaffus"siz chiqqan emas - "chig'iriqdan o'tkazish" uchun vaqt kerak edi-da, axir. Lekin ularning yozilish, tanqidiy maqolalarining esa, ham yozilish, ham bosilib chiqish shiddati havas qilgulik edi!.. Birgina 1982 yilda sanalgan va sanalmagan anchagina ishlardan tashqari "O'zAS" haftaligida "SHe'r qadri" degan qariyb bir sahifalik ilk tanqidiy maqolasi, "Toshkent haqiqati" gazetasida "Hayot chorrahasidagi yoshlar" degan ilk taqrizi (G'affor Xotamning "Qaytish" degan ilk qissasi haqida) va hakozo jami o'n ikkita adabiy -tanqidiy maqolalari yozilib peshma-pesh e'lon qilindi. SHu qadarki, sirtqi aspiranturaga birga hujjat va imtihon topshirgan Abdulla Ulug'ov astoydil ajablandi: "Bir yilda o'n ikkita tanqidiy maqola?.. Aspiranturada o'qib nima qilasiz?.."
       Nima qiladi, estetika bo'yicha qilgan ilmiy ishining dumi xurjunda bo'lganidan keyin... aqalli adabiyotshunoslik bo'yicha ilmiy ish qilib, fan nomzodi bo'ladi-da, shuniyam bilmaydimi bu yigitcha!..
       Oradan yigirma to'rt yil (!) o'tganidan keyin endi jiddiyroq o'ylab qarasa, Abdulla Ulug'ovning bilgani bilgan ekan! 1983 yilning 25 avgustida Sarvar Olimjonovich Azimovning shaxsan taklifi va "Goskomizdat"dagi bevosita rahbari Ruben Akopovich Safarovdan shaxsan iltimosi bilan O'zbekiston Yozuvchilar uyushmasiga tanqid va adabiyotshunoslik bo'yicha adabiy maslahatchi sifatida ishga chaqirildi. Ikki kundan keyin G'afur G'ulom nashriyotida marhum Vohid Zohidov raisligida tanqid va adabiyotshunoslik kengashining navbatdagi yig'ilishi bo'ldi. Yig'ilishdan chiqib surishtirsa, yarim hajmigina nashr rejasiga amal-taqal kiritilgan, erta-indin chiqadigan bo'lib turgan "Osmon to'la yulduzlar" essesining ikkinchi korrekturasidan "Eng jumboq tuyg'u" degan kattagina bir bob nashriyotga sezilarli moddiy zarar keltirilgan holda olib qolinibdi! So'rab-surishtirgan edi, ma'lum bo'ldiki, bu ishni bosh muharrir o'rinbosari bo'lib endigina ish boshlagan O'tkir Hoshimov qilibdi! Nega, nima maqsadda, endi shunisi etmay turuvdi... Kulishini ham, yig'lashini ham bilmadi. Xayolida Abdulla Oripovning bir quyma to'rtligi aylandi:
       Kulma, kulma, nega kulasan
       Hijolat chekkanning holiga?
       Nega qo'l uzatding kambag'alning
       O'g'rilardan qolgan moliga?..
       Ana o'shanda "Esse degan "barrikada"ning Afandi taklif qilgan ikki tomonidan birini uzil-kesil tanlash kerak, shekilli?." - degan xayolga bordi..
       Bobning korrekturasini olib borib "Sharq yulduzi" jurnali publitsistika bo'limining mudiri Murod Xidirning qo'liga topshirdi. U "Sevgi, nikoh, oila va ajralish muammolari" degan qo'shimcha nom bilan jurnalning 1983 yil 12 sonida , "Osmon to'la yulduzlar" essesi bilan baravar bosilib chiqdi. Jurnalning yillik mukofoti bilan taqdirlandi. Shu orada Tanqid va adabiyotshunoslik kengashiga yangi rais sifatida tayinlangan Salohiddin Mamajonov maqolasini maqtay-maqtay bir orziqdi - bir orziqdi! "Qani endi olim yiliga bitta Shunday zo'r maqola yozsa!" Bu gapdan R. Otaev, tabiiyki, qattiq ajablandi: "Nega endi yiliga bittagina?! Axir, u bu maqolasini etti yilcha avval bir kecha-kunduzda yozib bitirgan edi-ku!.."
       "Sharq yuldluzi" jurnali bosh muharriri Pirmat SHermuhamedov ham o'z nomidan, ham Sarvar Azimov nomidan, hattoki Zulfiyaxonim nomidan maqtay-maqtay yangi maqolaga buyurtma berdi: "Xuddi shu maqolangizday "Nikoh" degan yana bir maqola yozib berasiz, uka!" "Yozish bo'lsa yozish-da!" deya ikki-uch kunda "Nikoh yohud baxt falsafasi" degan yangi maqolani yozib, oqqa ko'chirib topshirgan edi, bosh muharrir o'rinbosari Xudoyberdi To'xtaboev andak shashtidan tushirdi: jurnalda bu asarning qoq yarmi e'lon qilindi. Har qalay, siyohi qurimay peshma-pesh e'lon qilingan  birinchi badiasi edi bu! Tanqid va adabiyotshunoslik bo'limida vaqtincha ishlab turgan Ikrom Otamurod ham "Erkin A'zamov portretiga chizgilar" yozib berishni buyurtma qiluvdi, "Dilrabo qo'shiqlar aytilaversin" degan bu "chizgilar" naq yashin tezligida, "Nikoh yoxud baxt falsafasi"ni hamortda qoldirib, jurnalning 1984 yilgi 2-sonda bosilib chiqdi. Ilk ko'klam kunlarida respublika yosh Yozuvchilar seminari bo'lib, undagi adabiy tanqid mashg'ulotlariga nafaqat ishtirok etdi, yakunlovchi mashvaratda kengash raisi Salohiddin Mamajonovning o'rniga axborot berdi. Roppa-rosa yigirma birinchi martda O'zbekiston Yozuvchilar uyushmasiga a'zo sifatida qabul qilindi. May oyida Moskvada bo'lib o'tgan sobiq ittifoq yosh Yozuvchilarining USH seminar-kengashiga O'zbekistondan Xayriddin Sultonov, Sharof Boshbekov, Qutlibeka Rahimboeva, Hamza Imonberdievlar qatorida yagona munaqqid sifatida qatnashib qaytdi. Vitaliy Ozerov, Leonid Ter-Akopyan, Kazbek Sultonovlar boshqargan tanqid mashg'ulotlarida qirg'izistonlik Kalik Ibraimov, qozog'istonlik Shuga Nurpeisova, ozarbayjonlik Samir Tagizoda va boshqa jami qirqqa yaqin yosh munaqqidlar qatorida qatnashib, Erkin A'zam, Tog'ay Murod, Murod Muhammad Do'st, Xayriddin Sultonov, Anvar Obidjon va G'affor Xotam ijodi tahlil etilgan rus tilidagi maqolasi ("Gorizontu poiska: problematika i xarakter") "Drujba Narodov" jurnaliga tavsiya etildi. Bundan tashqari, o'zi apil-tapil rus tiliga tarjima qilib Moskvaga jo'natgan "Osmon to'la yulduzlar" essesi qo'lyozmasiga ajoyib rus olimi, "Tri vlecheniya" degan noyob esse muallifi YUriy Ryurikovning yozgan batafsil taqrizini qo'liga olib (yana bir erishgani shu bo'lib) Toshkentga qaytdi. O'sha yilning ikkinchi yarmida yana ikkita adabiy-tanqidiy maqolasi, chunonchi, so'z san'atining uch mezoni xususidagi "Teranlik, Kenglik, Yuksaklik" va yoshlar qissachiligi xususidagi "Qahramonning qismati - kurash" maqolalari oldinma-ketin "O'zAS" haftaligida e'lon qilindi. Maqtalib-maqtalib "Adabiyot va zamon","Haqiqat - ijod bayrog'i" jamoa to'plamlariga kiritildi. Nihoyat, o'sha 1984 yilning so'nggida qariyb uch yilcha harakatsiz yotgan ilk qissasi, nihoyat, harakatga kelib, "Yoshlik" jurnalida e'lon qilindi. Verter bo'lmasa-da, har qalay, shunga yaqinroq Hakimbek degan bir yosh faylasufning iztiroblari qalamga olingan bu qissa R.Otaevning respublika matbuotida yorug'lik ko'rgan birinchi nasriy asari edi!.. Shunday qilib, hisob-kitob qilamizki, R. Otaevning birinchi ilmiy maqolasi 22 yoshida, birinchi ilmiy-ommabop, ilmiy - publitsistik maqolasi 27 yoshida, dastlabki tanqidiy maqolasi 33 yoshida, ilk nasriy asari 35 yoshida bosilib chiqdi. Demoqchimizki, R. Otaev badiiy nasrga bir Yozuvchi uchun etarli darajadagi jiddiy tayyorgarliklar bilan keldi va, tabiiyki, keyingi yigirma ikki yil mobaynida yozganlari ham shunga yarashadir.
       1985 yilning boshlarida "Nima qilmoq kerak" degan mashhur savol uning oldida jiddiy ravishda ko'ndalang bo'ldi. Birinchi ilmiy ishini-ku, qoq yarmini bo'lsa-da, esse tarzida chiqarib bir qadar eplashtirib oldi. Endi tag'in tuya go'shti eb ketayotgan ikkinchi ilmiy ishi - "Hozirgi o'zbek qissalari tipologiyasi"ni tezroq nihoyasiga etkazish kerakmi, yo aqalli endi asosiy muddao, pirovard maqsad - badiiy nasr bilan astoydilroq shug'ullangani ma'qulmi? Shu yilning ko'klamida ilmiy ishiga so'nggi nuqtani qo'yish niyatitda Toshkent ma'danli suvlar shifoxonasiga yotib, yigirma to'rt kunda ilmiy ish o'rniga "Surnay navolari" degan kattagina bir qissa yozib qaytdi. Unda o'sha ko'klam Yozuvchilar uyushmasida ro'y bergan jarayonlar "qiziq ustida" bastakorlar uyushmasiga ko'chirib o'tqazilgan, demakki, yosh bastakor va musiqashunos Ozod Ziyodovich Holiqovning bir insoniy qismati anchagina ma'joziy, tagdorgina  qalamga olingan edi. Asarda ozodlik nafasi shundoqqina ufurib turgan edi. Qo'lyozmani "Yoshlik" jurnalining bosh muharrir o'rinbosari Murod Mansur o'qib qizg'in ma'qulladi, xuddi "Osmon to'la yulduzlar" kabi, buyuk G'afur G'ulom ijodidan, xususan, "Surnay" she'ridan olingan "Surnay navolari" nomiga nisbatan bevosita "Ozod" degan nom ostida e'lon qilishni ma'qulroq ko'rdi. R.Otaev, tabiiyki, bu jo'yali taklifga bajonidil rozi bo'ldi. SHu orada nasr bo'limining mudiri Erkin A'zam ta'tildan qaytib, qo'lyozmani SHuhrat Rizaevga taqriz qildiribdi-da, asarning yo'liga yaxshigina chim bosibdi. "Mohirona tadbir"dan xabar topib isyon ko'targan R. Otaevni tinchitishmi-tinchlantirish uchun yangi bosh muharrir Omon Matjon qo'lyozmani Tohir Malikka yana bir taqrizga berdi. Tohir Malik, aftidan, sixniyam, kabobniyam kuydirmaslik yoxud bo'ri ham to'q, qo'zichoq ham tirik bo'lishi uchun taqrizda yosh bastakor Ozod Holiqovning Farhod va Marjon degan o'g'il-qizlarini bexos yo'qotib qidirishiga bog'liq oilaviy mojarolardan butkul voz kechib, bastakorlar uyushmasidagi voqealarnigina qalamga olish tavsiya qilingan edi. Bu muallifga ma'qul kelmadi, albatta. Zotan, Farhodi bilan Marjonini qidirayotgan Ozodning ruhiy holati, ko'ngil mulki, ko'ngil bisoti - mana shu surnay navolari edi-da! Qissa qo'lyozmasi nasr bo'limining yangi mudiri G'affor Xotamning qo'lida uch yilcha avaylab saqlandi. To'rtinchi yilda Tohir Malik "Obbo, shu birgina qissani haliyam e'lon qilolmay sarsonmisiz? Mana, qanday hohlasangiz Shunday chiqaring!" deya himmat ko'rsatdi. Asar 1989 yil 2 sonda, nihoyat, e'lon qilindi.
       1985-1989 yilarda roppa-rorsa to'rt yil R. Otaev nima qildi? Avvalo kimlardir insofga kelishini sabr-toqat bilan kutdi. Lekin qo'l qovushtirib, mudrab o'tiravermadi,albatta.. Tag'in nasrni qo'ya turib, avvalo badiiy tarjimaga, keyin tanqid bilan publitsistikaga zo'r berdi. To'lepbergen Qaipbergenovning "Qoraqalpoqnoma" roman-essesi va "Bobomga xatlar" badiasini - qoraqalpoq tilidan, eron adibi Muhammad Ali Jamolzodaning "Sho'robod" asarini - rus tilidan, qozoq adibi Muxtor Mag'avinning "Tiriklik qo'shig'i" qissasini - qozoq tilidan tarjima qildi. Ularning aksariyati jurnallarda peshma-pesh bosilib chiqdi ham. Zo'r asar vaqtincha dimiqsa dimiqadi, lekin o'lmaydi ekan, ulardan bittasi - "Tiriklik qo'shig'i" roppa-rosa o'n yildan keyingina 1998 yilda rahmatli Ozod Sharafiddinovning qizg'in qo'llab-quvvatlashi bilan "Jahon adabiyoti" jurnalida bosilib chiqdi.
       Ikkinchi nomzodlik ishidan ham uzil-kesil qo'lni yuvib qo'ltig'iga urganidan keyin, nazarida, qissadan kengroq maydonlarga yo'l ochilgandek bo'ldi. "Yoshlik" jurnalining 1986 yil 3-sonadi Odil Yoqubovning "Ko'hna dunyo" romani atroflicha estetik tahlil qilingan "Hikmatlar karvoni", "Guliston" jurnalida 1986 yil "Yangilikning tug'ilishi", "Zvezda Vostoka" jurnalining 1986 yil 6-sonida "Drujba Narodov" jurnali paysalga solgan "Gorizontu poiska: problematika i xarakter", 1987 yilda "Adabiyot va san'at" jamoa to'plamida Odil Yoqubovning "Oqqushlar, oppoq qushlar" romani tahliliga bag'ishlangan "Epik tasvir va tahlil" maqolalari, yana boshqa ancha-muncha maqolalari va taqrizlari e'lon qilindi. Hatto G'affor Xotam va Abbos Saidning ijodiy izlanishlari, bolalar adabiyoti muammolari xususidagi rus tilida yozilgan "Za vse v otvete", "Nachni s sebya" va boshqa maqolalari "Pravda Vostoka", "Komsomolets Uzbekistana" kabi gazetalarda ham bosilib chiqdi. Endi o'ylab qarab gohida afsuslanasan kishi! Xayf ketgan vaqt-soat, kuch-g'ayrat, orzu-umidlar!.. Baxtiyor Nazarov Til va adabiyot institutining direktorligidan to Fanlar Akademiyasining vitse-prezidentligiga qadar qariyb yigirma yillik arboblik ishlarining o'rniga "G'afur G'ulom olami"dek tadqiqotlarning to'rtta-beshtasini qatorlashtirib qo'yganida-ku, naqadar go'zal ish bo'lar edi! Xuddi Shunday, R. Otaev ham o'tkinchi dunyolarga alahsimay, yiliga aqalli bitta "Surnay navolari"dek qissa yozib turganida!..
       Yo'q, chinakam tanqid ham abadiyatga dahldor chinakam san'atdir. U hamisha umriboqiy asarlarga suyanibgina umriboqiylikka erishadi. Bu yillarda yozilgan behisob adabiy-tanqidiy maqolalar va taqrizlar orasida Odil Yoqubovning ikki o'lmas asari yangicha tahlil etilgan ikki maqolasining kelajagiga umid bilan qarasa bo'ladi. "Sharq yulduzi" jurnalining 1989 yil 1 sonida e'lon qilingan, Cho'lponning "Kecha va kunduz" romani tahliliga bag'ishlangan "Tong yulduzi shu'lalari" va o'sha yili "O'zAS" haftaligida e'lon qilingan, "Yorqinoy" dramasi tahlil qilingan "Tasavvur ziyosi" maqolalari, albatta, ularning yoniga qo'shila oladi. Ayniqsa, shu ikkita maqolani o'z vaqtida Umarali Normatov bilan Begali Qosimov, keyinchalik Dilmurod Quronov bilan Bahodir Karim kabi olimlar maqtab tilga oldilar, muallifning tanqidiy qarashlarini o'z vaqtida ham, o'n besh yildan keyin ham pisand qilgan olimlarga qulluq!
       Buyuk Cho'lpon asarlari, garchi Isrofilning suri bo'lmasa-da, har qalay, ne bir mudroq qalblarni ham uyg'otishga qodir ruhiy quvvatga ega ekan! 1989-1991 yillarda favqulodda bir shiddat bilan yozib tashlangan ko'pgina publitsistik va adabiy-tanqidiy maqolalari, hikoyalari hamda badialarining qanchalik pishiq-puxtaligiga qarab turib muallif ham gohida "Yopiray, shularni o'zim yozdimmi?" qabilidagi xayollarga boradi.Nachora,Navoiy bilan Pushkindan meros, har bir qalamkashning ko'nglida ozdir-ko'pdir muqarrar bo'ladigan tuyg'u bu!..Masalan, "Gap bilguncha ish bil" ("O'zbekiston ovozi", 1989, 25 fevral), "Qalpoq bozori" ("Xalq so'zi", 1990, yanvar), "Til va El Uli yoxud qaqragan tilga tiriklik suvi" ("Guliston", 1990), "Qaldirg'ochning qayrilgan qanotlari" ("Yosh leninchi", 1990), "Mantiq qani?" ("Muloqot", 1992) publitsistik maqolalarini badiiy publitsistikani chinakam badiiy adabiyotga aylantirish yo'lidagi jiddiy tajribalar deyish mumkin. Bu davrda yozilgan yoxud avvalroq yozilib, nihoyat, e'lon qilingan "Shafqat" (O'zAS, 1989), "Munojot" ("Yosh leninchi", 1990), "Otajon" ("Yoshlik", 1991), "Otabosh" ("Guliston", 1991) hikoyalari, "Tagor bilan suhbat" fantastik qissasi ("San'at", 1990), "Qalbning etti iqlimi" turkumidagi "Hayrat", "Muhabbat", "Hurmat", "Malomat", "Nafrat", "Da'vat", "Hasrat" badialari ham kichik hajmdagi badiiy nasrning beshafqat vaqt hukmiga ro'yxushlik beravermaydigan anchagina pishiq-puxta namunalaridir. Bu asarlarning aksariyati "Otauli" taxallusi bilan e'lon qilingan. "Ota", "Otaturk", "Otaliq", "Otabek", "Otajon" emas, "Otauli"gina...
       Qirq yoshida "Otauli" bo'lgach, etti-sakkiz yillik quruqqo'llikdan bir qadar qutulib, tez orada ikki kitobni birin-ketin qo'li ko'rdi. 1990 yilda G'afur G'ulom nashriyotida atoqli qoraqalpoq adibi T.Qaipbergenovning "Qoraqalpoqnoma" roman-essesi R. Otaev tarjimasida kitob bo'lib bosilib chiqdi. 1991 yilning yozida - O'zbekiston davlat mustaqilligini qo'lga kiritgan tarixiy kun arafasida "Surnay navolari" qissalar va "Qalbning etti iqlimi" turkum badialar to'plami ("Yosh gvardiya", Taqrizchilar: olim Mahmudjon Nurmatov va Yozuvchi SHodmon Otabek) nashr etildi. To'g'ri, rahmatli olim G'ulom G'afurov bilan birga G'afur G'ulom nashriyotida 10 bosma toboq hajmidagi "Fikr va so'z imkoniyati" degan bir adabiy-tanqidiy maqolalar to'plami chiqadigan bo'lib turuvdi. Hatto qalam haqi ham olinib, kitobning yorug'likka chiqishiga ruxsat ham beriluvdi. Qoraqalpoq tilidan tarjimami, qo'shni nashriyotdagi kitobimi, mazkur kitobdagi "yon qo'shnisi"mi, tub ildizini bilib bo'lmaydigan sabablarga ko'ra o'sha to'plam kitob bo'lib chiqmay qolib ketdi. O'sha-o'sha Otauli  yigirma uch yildan buyon O'zbekiston Yozuvchilar uyushmasida xizmat qilib, avvalo munaqqid sifatida eng shimarib ishlab, yuzlab tanqidiy maqolalar, obzorlar, taqrizlar, badialar yozib,  o'zining adabiy-tanqidiy to'plamini ko'zi ko'rmadi. O'lmas Xo'ja Nasriddin afandimiz "Nasib qilsa eringman" deganidek, nasib qilsa, "Ruhiyat ehromi" deb nomlangan adabiy o'ylar kitobchasini shoyadki ko'rsa!
       Darvoqe, qo'llari bu masalada judayam quruqqina emas ekan! 1990 yilning boshida O'zbekiston Yozuvchilarining navbatdagi qurultoyiga tayyorgarlik ko'rilar ekan, o'sha vaqtdagi uyushma raisi Odil Yoqubov Do'rmondagi Yozuvchilarning Ijod uyiga taniqli bolalar shoiri va tarjimon Miraziz A'zam bilan R.Otaevni olib ketdi. Ikkovlon biror oyda "O'zbek adabiyoti 1985-1990 yillarda" degan bir kitobcha tayyorladilar. U ming nusxada nashr etildi va jamiki qurultoy qatnashchilariga tarqatildi. Kitobcha hajmining uchdan bir qismiga R.Otaevning o'zbek nasri, publitsistikasi, dramaturgiyasi va adabiy tanqidchiligi xususidagi nainki shaxsiy kuzatishlari, balki "Majolis un nafois"ga tatabbu tarzida yozilgan "Dag'al majlislari" va, umuman, qalb qo'ri yaxshigina to'kilgan. Garchi ratoprint usulida bosib chiqarilgan bo'lsa-da, o'n olti yilda muallifning o'zidek u qadar sarg'ayib-siniqib ketmagan, qiziqqonlar hozir ham bemalol qiziqib o'qishlari mumkin...
Bu o'rinda aytsa bo'ladigan va aytmasa bo'lmaydigan tag'in qanday gap qoldi? "Otauli degan zahmatkashning zahmatkashi Yozuvchi, munaqqid, publitsist va tarjimon sifatida 1991 yildan keyingi o'n besh yil mobaynida nima karomat ko'rsatdi, xo'sh?" degan savolga javobgina qoldi, xolos.
       Otauli 1989 yilda - qirq yoshida boshlab, 1993 yilda - qirq to'rt yoshida (tasavvur ravshanroq bo'lishi uchun aytish mumkinki, Cho'lpon yoshida boshlab, Qodiriy yoshida) uch qism, besh yuz sahifadan iborat "Tilsim (Turkiston dostoni)" degan bir salmoqli asarini, nihoyat, yozib bitirdi. Odatda har bir qalamkashning bosh asari bo'ladi. Otaulining qirchillama qirq to'rt yoshida yozib bitirgan bu bosh asarida oddiy dehqon - Sobir qovunchi, hunarmand usta - Qodir uchar va ziyoli (tilshunos olim) Kenja Botir (Botir Zokirov) - shu uch og'a-ini botirlarning O'zbekiston davlat mustaqilligiga, aniqrog'i, davlat tili haqidagi qonunga kelish yo'li o'ziga xos tarzda yoritildi. Asarning 150 betlik bir qismi ("Qodir uchar qissasi") 1994 yilda "Sharq yulduzi" jurnalining 12 sonida bosilib chiqdi va shu bir qismi 1995 yilda O'zbekiston Yozuvchilar uyushmasi bilan "Alp Jamol" korporatsiyasi ta'sis etgan Alp Jamol mukofoti bilan taqdirlandi. Yana bir yuz betlik qismi ("Sobir qovunchi qissasi") 1995 yilda "Yoshlik" jurnalining 3-4-sonlarida e'lon qilindi. Asosiy qism (Ikki yuz ellik bet hajmidagi "Kenja Botir qissasi")dan ayrim parchalar "O'zbekiston ovozi", "Qishloq hayoti", "Muloqot", "Toshkent oqshomi", "YOsh kuch", "Tong yulduzi"..., qo'ying-chi, qariyb barcha etakchi gazeta-jurnallarda bosilib chiqdi. Qo'lyozma to'la holda G'afur G'ulom nashriyotida naqd o'n uch yildan buyon qimirlamay turibdi. O'n uch yil badalida nashriyotga to'rttami-beshta direktor kelib ketdi. Alp Jamol mukofotini olgan qariyb barcha asarlar kitob bo'lib chiqdi. Ne bir suvlar oqib, ne bir daraxtlar kesildi. Odamzod Oyni qo'yib, Zuhro, Mushtariy, boshqa sayyoralarga chiqaman deb turibdi. Ne bir nashriyotlarda ne bir kitoblar jild-jild bo'lib chiqib yotibdi. Lekin bu keng dunyoga bittagina "Tilsim (Turkiston dostoni)" degan kitob hali-xanuz sig'may turibdi... "Kengga keng dunyo" deganlari shumi?!.
       O'shanda - 1994-1995 yillarda Otauli "Nachora, hajmi kattaroq ekan, bilmasdan qulochni kattaroq otib yuborganman shekilli, balki keyinroq sig'ib qolar" degan xayolda , albatta, yaxshi niyat va umid bilan bilganini qilaverdi. "Zora sig'ishiga yordam bersa" degan umidda qadim turkiy so'z-o'zaklarning tub lug'aviy ma'nolarini  sharhlab, "So'z haqida so'z" degan jajji maqolachalar turkumini yozdi. Jami qirqtacha bu maqolachalarini gazeta-jurnallarda birin-ketin e'lon qildi. Ayni chog'da, "Xudo xohlasa , endi shunisi bemalol sig'adi" deya, tag'in buyuk G'afur G'ulomdan nom-nishon olib, ikki yuz ellik bet hajmidagi "Afandi o'lmaydigan bo'ldi" degan yangi nasriy doston yozdi va  uni 1997 yilda tamomladi. Ora-churada Odil Yoqubovning "Ulug'bek xazinasi" va "Diyonat" romanlarini o'zicha tahlil qilib, "Ma'rifat va ma'naviyat mash'ali" degan ellik betlik bir tanqidiy risola yozdi. Bu ikki shoh asar haqida aytilmagan gap qolmadi xisob, aytish ishtiyoqidagilar esa behisob, binobarin, risolani hozircha zahirada ushlab turish mumkin, raqobatchini ko'paytirishning keragi yo'q!. Lekin zamonamizning Xo'ja Nasriddin afandisi - Nasriddin Latifiddinovich Xo'janazarov degan bir elshunos olimning ajoyib - g'aroyib sarguzashtlari anchagina maroqli va o'ynoqi qalamga olingan "Elchi (Afandi o'lmaydigan bo'ldi)" dostonini qaerga butun holda sig'dirish mumkin?.. Atoqli qoraqalpoq adibi T. Qaipbergenov asarga uch jumla "fatvo" yozib berib, uning qoq yarmini 1998 yilda "Yoshlik" jurnaliga sig'dirishga katta yordam va qiyomatga qadar unutilmas himmat ko'rsatdi. Qaytmasning qaysarligidan qo'rqqulik ekan, 1998 yilda bir tomonda "Endi shunisi aniq-tiniq va bus-butun sig'adi!" deya atigi ellik betlik "Ulus (Forobiyning do'sti)" degan, hoynahoy, olamdagi eng qisqa nasriy dostonni yozdi. Bu ulug' faylasuf haqida qachonlardir nimadir yozish o'ttiz yilik orzusi edi, har kimning o'z suyanar tog'i va topinar mozori bor, bir g'arib faylasuf Yozuvchiga bir suyanar tog' Forobiycha bo'ladi-da, axir! Asarda payg'ambar yoshida suyukli shogirdi Said Ali va yolg'iz o'g'li Nasriddinni ota yurtiga ziyoratga olib kelayotgan buyuk allomaning Toshkent shahridagi bir ko'cha, bir kechada ko'rgan-kechirganlari va qoraxoniylar saltanatining asoschisi Bug'roxon bilan suhbati qalamga olingan edi... YAna bir tomonda butun Turkiston Elining fe'l-atvoriga eng go'zal timsol badiiy gavdalantirilgan "Elchi" ga sig'may qolgan fikrlarini jamlab, "Elning fe'li" degan tag'in bir jajji maqolachalar turkumini yozdi va ularni peshma-pesh e'lon qilishga tushdi. Asosiy niyat va pirovard maqsad har qanday odamga tushunarli edi, albatta: "Tilsim (Turkiston dostoni)"-ku, baayni kalla-pocha bo'lib turibdi, nachora, shoyadki shu O'lmas Afandi o'n bosma toboq hajmidagi bir kitob bo'lib chiqsa!" Hoh ishoning, hoh ishonmang, avvalo shu niyatda bir paytlar boshlagan ishini ham so'nggi nuqtaga etkazib, "Tengdoshlar tengdoshlar haqida" ruknida "Elning fe'li Erkin A'zam nasrida" degan ellik betlik bir tanqidiy risola ham tayyorladi. Hatto har ikki turkumdagi maqolachalarini shu risolaga qo'shib,"Ko'zlarga to'tiyo so'zlar" degan yana bir rosmana kitob qo'lyozmasiga  ham tartib berdi. Xo'sh, bunisini qay bir azamat himmat ko'rsatib nashr qiladi endi?..
       To'g'ri, 1997 yilda - olti yil deganda qo'li , nihoyat, tag'in bir kitob ko'rmadi emas, ko'rdi. T. Qaipbergenovning "Qoraqalpoqnoma" roman-essesi, "Sharq" kontsernida qayta nashr etildi. Bu kitob sifati  qaragan odamning suqi kiradigan kitobmisan kitob edi! Lekin tarjima ming qayta nashr etilmasin, baribir, tarjima, aslida birovning mulki-da! 1998-1999-yillarda "Jahon adabiyoti" jurnalida yana ikkita asar qozoq tilidan tarjima sifatida e'lon qilindi. Avval, yuqorida aytilganidek, Muxtor Mag'avinning "Tiriklik qo'shig'i" qissasi o'n yil deganda, nihoyat, yorug'lik ko'rdi. So'ngra Abish Kekilboevning "Poygato'riq" qissasi jurnal buyurtmasiga binoan to'xtovsiz tarjima va e'lon qilindi. Bular ham bizga zamondosh peshqadam qozoq adiblarining havas qilsa arzigulik kiroyi asarlari, albatta... Lekin ularning ham muallifi R. Otaev emas-da!
       O'zining "Elchi" va "Ulus" asarlarini butun holda, bir kitobcha sifatida qachon qaerda qanday chiqarish mumkin? Yo'l qidirib, 1999 yilning boshlarida 1998 yil mobaynida bosilib chiqqan jami sakkizta romanni batafsil tahlil qilib, "O'tayotgan kunlar nafasi" degan bir obzor yozdi. Unda, jumladan, "Nega O'zbekiston davlat mustaqilligining o'tgan etti yilida zamonaviy mavzuda aqalli bironta roman yo'q?" degan savolni avvalo Yozuvchilarning umumiy bir mashvaratida, keyin matbuotda jiddiy tarzda o'rtaga qo'ydi. Ayni shu ko'ndalang savol hal qiluvchi turtki bo'ldimi, qaydam, oradan salgina o'tib, "Elchi (Afandi o'lmaydigan bo'ldi)" asari axiyri bir butun holda kitob bo'lib chiqdi! Kitobning namuna nusxasini qo'liga olib turib, "Sharq" NMAKning o'sha paytdagi bosh muharriri Bobur Alimov Otaulini koyidi: "Rassomga aytsangiz bo'lmaydimi, Rahim aka, ismingiz-familiyangizni ko'zga ko'rinadiganroq qilib yozmaydimi, muncha mayda!" Otaulining yuragi to'liqdi: "Afandi bilan Qaipbergenovning haqqi-hurmati shu kitobning Shunday chiqqaniga shukur, sizlarga rahmat!"
       Afandidan ko'ngli to'lib, o'sha yili ming yillik to'yi keng nishonlanayotgan "Alpomish" dostonining birinchi marta to'la holda nashr etilgan nusxasini go'zal bir kitob va bebaho bir sovg'a sifatida birinchi ustozi To'ra Mirzaevning shaxsan o'z qo'lidan oldi. Shunday kitob!.. Bu shoh asarning ilk nashriga Hamid Olimjon yozgan mashhur so'zboshidan keyin, aytish mumkinki, birinchi marotaba uni batafsil estetik tahlil qilib, "Xalqning o'lmas dahosi" degan 90 betlik bir esse - badia yozdi. Badiani respubilka radiosida besh-olti qismga bo'lib o'zi o'qidi. Lekin bu asar ham aqalli bironta jurnalga sig'may va yo alohida bir kitobcha sifatida nashr etilmay qolib ketdi. "Alpomish"ni ham qo'ya turib, tag'in "Forobiy"ga qaytdi: "SHu atigi ellik betlik "Ulus"ni qanday yorug'likka olib chiqish mumkin?.. Yo'l qidirib diltortari T. Qaipbergenovga yuragini yordi. Katta adib o'qib chiqib, tabriklab, fe'liga yarashadigan himmat ko'rsatdi: "Kel, inichak, bu asaringga ham bir nima yozib beray, "qoraxoniy" bilan "qoraqalpoq" so'zlarining o'zagi bitta, axir!.". Otaulining tag'in yuragi to'liqdi: "Siz "Afandi..."ga fatvo berib hech bir o'zbek qilmagan ishni qildingiz, og'a! SHu yaxshiligingizni ham, manovi tantiligingizni ham to qiyomatgacha unutmayman. Endi Forobiyning qadriga etadigan biron o'zbek adibi topilib qolar!.." "Unda sen maydalashib o'tirmay, bu asaringga So'zni Abdulladan ol, inichak! Bo'shashma, tortinma!"
       Otauli - jur'at, Oripov - himmat ko'rsatib, "Ulus (Forobiyning do'sti)" "Sharq yulduzi" jurnalining 2000 yil 2-sonida bosilib chiqdi! Qisqarmay, bo'linmay! Bu Otauli uchun qo'shaloq bayram bo'ldi. Birinchidan, "Ulus" o'zbek adabiyotining 1050 yillik tarixida Abu Nasr Forobiy haqida yozilgan yagona badiiy asar! Ikkinchidan, Abdulla Oripovning bu asarga yozgan So'zi Otauli ijodi haqida o'zbek tilida alohida aytilgan yagona So'z!..
       Lekin Otaulining quvonchi ko'pga cho'zilmadi. "Elchi" kitobi xususida biror yil mobaynida biron Yozuvchi va yo olimning matbuotda lom-mim demagani, aqalli haftalikda "Shunday bir kitob chiqdi" deya "Doimiy hamroh" ruknida ne bir kitoblarga berilgan xabar ravo ko'rilmagani ham mayli. (Aytish kerak, atoqli adibimiz Pirimqul Qodirovning respublika matbuot agentligida o'tkazilgan ulkan bir mashvaratda "Elchi" kitobini qo'lida ushlab turib, "Prezidentimiz talab qilayotgan zamonaviy mavzudagi asar yo'q emas, bor, mana!" deya hayajonlanib aytgan gaplari oradan ikki yilcha o'tib, 2001 yilda aytildi, lekin matbuotda o'z ifodasini avval ham, keyin ham topmadi). Eng taajjublanarli joyi shunda ediki, "Ulus" asari xususida o'sha 2000 yilda "O'zAS" haftaligida professor Sanjar Sodiqning "Dostonmi yoki bashorat?" degan feletonnamo maqolasi hech bir moneliklarsiz  lopillab chiqib qolsa bo'ladimi! Mazkur maqolaning nomiyoq mantiqdan batamom holi edi. ("Dostonmi yoki hikoya?" yoxud "Bashoratmi yoki xomxayol?" deyilsa, balki mantiqli savol bo'larmidi!) Maqolaning o'zi esa, "Doston nasrda ham yoziladimi, ajab-ajab" qabilidagi bilib turib atayin anqovsirashga o'xshaydi... Endi nima qilsa bo'ladi? Avvaliga dostonning nimaligiyu uning qanday turlari borligini tushuntirishga o'zicha urinib, "Sharq eposi" degan bir raddiya tarzidagi maqola yozdi. Uni yorug'likka olib chiqolmagach, o'ylab qoldi: filologiya fanlari doktori, professorga nasriy doston ham borligini isbotlash kerakmi? Umuman, bilib turib suvga haliginday qilayotgan "oxirzamon olimlari"ga nimani qay tarzda isbotlay olasiz? Xudodan ularga insof so'rashdan boshqa ne chora bor!.. Yuragini o'rtab yuborayotgan minglab savollardan bittaginasini Abdulla Oripovning oldiga ko'ndalang qo'yishdan o'zini to'xtatib qololmadi:"Mayli, roppa-rosa bir ming ellik yil avval o'lib ketgan Forobiy bilan meni yuz-xotir qilishmasin, aqalli Sizning So'zingizni yuz-xotir qilishmaydimi, tushunmadim?.." Daho shoir ko'ndalang savolga javoban shiddat bilan guvranib Shunday bir yuz ifodasini zohir qildiki, uni sharhlashga jahondagi jamiki tillar ham, qalamlar ham ojizdek... Har qalay, bu ifodada "Parvo qilmang, lekin beparvoyam bo'lmang" qabilidagi ko'pni ko'rgan donishmandning unsiz taskin-tasallisi, daldasi, ogohlikka undashini tuygandek bo'ldi...
       Otauli zahmatkash bo'lganidan keyin odatdagidek asosiy ishidan qolmadi, albatta. Avvaliga buyuk mutafakkirimiz Alisher Navoiyning "Saddi Iskandariy" dostoniga o'ziga xos tatabbu tarzidagi bor-yo'g'i besh sahifadan iborat "Haddi Iskandariy" degan bir tarixiy hikoya yozdi. U o'sha 2000 yilning oxirida "Yozuvchi" gazetasida bosilib chiqdi. Asar zamiridan tushungan odamga avvalo ikkita gapning uchi chiqib turar edi: "Mana, ko'rib qo'ying, doston emas, tarixiy hikoya bu!", "Agar Iskandar bo'lsangiz ham haddingizdan oshmang, iltimos, jon aka, insof qiling!"..
       So'ngra biror yil ichida favqulodda bir shiddat bilan qalam tebratib, "Zamona zayli" degan yangi bir dostonini 2001 yilning ohirida, nihoyat, yozib bitirdi. Asar ikki yildan keyin - 2003 yila "Sharq yulduzi" jurnalida (O'zbekiston matbuoti tarixidagi eng mayda harflarda!) bosilib chiqdi. SHu ikki yil va, umuman, keyingi besh yil mobaynida, tabiiyki, Otauli yozmasa bo'lmaydigan vaziyatlarda ancha-muncha yangi asarlar yozdi. Masalan, "Hisobot","Tabiatshunos", "Tomosha" hikoyalari, "Ruhiyat ehromi" turkumidagi beshta maqola... Ayni chog'da, "Mana, o'zbek Freydi!" desa degudek bir ruhshunos olim, fidoyi zamondoshimiz haqidagi yangi, beshinchi nasriy dostonini yozib bitirish arafasida....
       Otauli bundan uch yilcha avval "Zamona zayli" va "Ulus" asarlariga turli yillarda yozilgan eng sara hikoyalari va badialarini qo'shib, o'z ijodi xususida nisbatan yaqqolroq tasavvur hosil qila oladigan, qo'lga ilinguli bir kitob qo'lyozmasini tayyorlab, "Sharq" nashriyotiga topshirgan edi. Uch yildan buyon shu kitobni chiqarish umidida butun shahri azim, butun mamlakatda xolis yordam qo'lini cho'zadigan bir sherimard qidirib izilladi, ne bir sovuqqon kimsalardan yordam so'rab, himmat so'rab, insof so'rab yalinib-yolvormadi!.. Ochig'i, bunisi qisqagina tarjimai holga emas, "Turkiston dostoni"dan kattaroq dostongayam sig'maydi!
       Rivoyat qilishlaricha, rahmatli Mirtemir domla XX asr o'zbek she'riyatining eng go'zal namunalaridan biri - "Onaginam" she'rini oltmish yosh ostonasida Yozuvchilar uyushmasidagi ne bir shoirlar qatnashayotgan katta bir mashvaratda o'qib berib, "Aytingizlar-chi, shu she'rni e'lon qilish mumkinmi?.." deya hokisorlik bilan elangan ekan. Otauli Mirtemir domlaning shu bir holatiga havas va taqlid qilmaydi, albatta. Faqat O'zbekiston Yozuvchilar uyushmasining ijodiy xodimi sifatida Mirtemir domladan qariyb ikki baravar ko'proq - yigirma uch yildan buyon ishlab kelayotgan va shu kecha-kunduzda "Insof" dagan beshinchi dostonini yozayotgan bir qalamkash sifatida insof so'ramoqchi, xolos: "Qariyb qirq yildan buyon to'rt-besh yo'nalishda astoydil mehnat qilib kelayotgan bir qalam zahmatkashi o'zgalardek jild-jild saylanmalar emas, atigi bittagina qalin muqovali qo'lga ilingudek  sifatli kitobini oltmish yosh ostonasida ko'zi ko'rib, qo'liga ushlay oladimi?! Qaylardasan, jannatiy insof?!"
       IZOH (Ohning izidan oh): Mazkur tarjimai hol "Ruhiyat ehromi" turkumini yakunlovchi maqola bo'lib, turkumdagi dastlabki uchta maqola "O'zAS" va "Mohiyat" haftaliklari bilan "Yoshlik" jurnalida e'lon qilingan. Yana ikkitasi "Guliston" va "Muloqot" jurnallarida e'lon qilishga tayyorlanmoqda.
       Xalqimizda "O'zing uchun o'l, etim" degan hikmatli gap bor. Jahondagi eng achchiq zaharxandali maqol bu! "SHum bola"dek shoh asar yaqqol dalolat berib turibdiki, etim aslida o'zi uchun o'lmaydi, balki aksincha jon-jahdi bilan yashash uchun kurashadi. Bunday kurash usullaridan biri, ma'lumki, o'z-o'ziga xizmat hisoblanadi..
       Hozirgi adabiyotimizda o'z-o'ziga xizmatning turlari tobora ko'payib bormoqda... Shulardan bittaginasini Sizning e'tiboringizga havola qilib, Yozuvchi Otaulining tarjimai holini oq qog'ozga ko'chiruvchi tarjimon, publitsist va munaqqid

Rahimjon OTAEV
Author: Otauli (Rakhimjon Otaev)

Autobiography or one more pyramid of soul

       In the world literature and science much exemplary experience has been accumulated in the area of writing an autobiography. In particular, the wise lines of Akhmad Yassavi known as "Sheikh of thinkers of Turkish people", where he wrote his life year by year or genuine nightingale singer of Uzbek nation son of Ergash Jumanbulbul's poem "Autobiography (My days)" are widely known. The works "Autobiography" of famous English naturalist Ch. Darwin and great Indian thinker J. Nehru show wonderful examples of the art of turning ordinary autobiography into a unique work and a worthwhile book. 
       The following autobiography is not a poem, a large work or a book, even not a purposeful description, but only a concise narrative-confession.  Anyway, we hope that it will allow You to have a clear idea about the creative development of a hardworking writer…
       Rahimjon Otaev (Otauli) is one of the writers, who is actively working as a prose-writer, publicist-essayist, critic and translator in the years of independence of Uzbekistan.  His difficult course of life and versatile creative work has some exemplary characteristics…
       If you go from Tashkent to the old city Turkistan through Chimkent city, you will pass through an old village "Iqon", where it lies Ahmad Yassavi's dust, the author of the well-known "Divan of wisdom", a drop in the thousand-year Uzbek poetry, who is praised as a head of saints, "sheikh of thinkers", and "Hazrat  Sultan  orifin ".  Note that one of the brightest representatives of Uzbek poetry of XX century, Mirtemir domla  was born in this city. Having watched the grand mausoleum built on top of the grave of Ahmad Yassavi by our Ruler ancestor Amir Temur and purified your soul by making due visit and praying, you get to the forty chaqirim  road leading to Qoratov. In the small village Koriz in the beginning of the road, which is now a part of Turkistan city, Nosir Fozilov, a brilliant representative of Uzbek children's literature, a great translator of brotherly Kazakh and Karakalpak literature, was born. In the middle of the forty chaqirim road to Qoratov, there is another old village, which was called Qarnoq in the past, and now is called Otaboy. In this village, as you know, a pride of XX century Turkistan literature and our famous writer Odil Yoqubov was born, who has raised popularity of Uzbek literature especially with his works "Treasury of Ulugbek" and "Diyonat"! It is not all. If God wishes he bestows much, a writer Sadulla Siyoev, who has won many readers' hearts with his historical novel "Last travel of Yassavi" and a writer Sunatulla Anorboev, who has been famous with his novel "Oqsoy", many essays, stories and articles in the past, were also born in this village!
       Nowadays on the twenty chaqirim road between villages Koriz and Otaboy joined to the city Turkistan there are three more villages, which are competitive with the previous two in oldness. In 1924 in village Qorachiq a girl named Manzura Abdujabborova, in 1920 in village Yugnak a boy named Egamberdi Otaev and on 3 April 1949 in village Chipon located in the middle a son from the mother and the father were born and the boy's name is Rahimjon, surname is Otaev and nickname is Otauli. He was born third of nine children into the many children Uzbek family: in 1945 his brother Hakimjon, in 1947 sister Anvara, in 1955 sister Dilbar, in 1953-1964 brothers Karimjon, Murod, Maqsud, Maruf and Orif were born.
       Rahimjon Otaev (Otauli) was deprived of his father in 1965, when he was sixteen years old. The loss of his father, who worked as a teacher in elementary school for many years, moreover, of his first teacher, who taught to read and write, made a certain turn in the boy's character. Until then Rahimjon had taken part in math olimpiads, shown special interest to music and fine arts, moreover, in 1964 he and his father visited the drawing institute named after Benkov. But later he unpredictably started to publish his first poems one after another as a "famous poet in Turkistan" in a district newspaper. One of them is called "Crying father", another is "Yassavi's mausoleum". The poems, published in Turkistan district newspaper in the middle of 60s of the last century, had aspirations stretching to the sun, but they were the expressions of turmoil in the depressed seventeen year old boy's heart…
       But the young boy, whose most relatives were math teachers, had interest to mathematics in his blood and it was stronger than other interests. Therefore, Rahimjon Otaev submitted his documents to the math department of the present Uzbekistan national university, not to the philology department, after the devastating earthquake in 1966. As he lived in rental house in Forobi Street, he participated in the funeral of the well-known poet Gafur Gulam. At that time on July 10, 1966 unexpectedly he was able to see live speechless Oybek and very talkative writers and poets in the distance of a few steps for the first time… Perhaps due to the unexpected "earthquake" he refused the poetry as well as the study in the evening shift at the math department and returned to Turkistan. After a year long search and hesitation he came back to Tashkent again and studied in the philology department of the university in the evening shift in 1967-1973. At the same time he worked as a concrete-armature worker at the constructions of the Tashkent city after the earthquake. In 1968-1973, as a laboratory assistant of the folklore department of the scientific research institute of Language and literature he got acquainted with the study of literature, Hodi Zarif, Muzayana Alaviya, Ergash Rustamov and other famous literary scientists and their works.  He wrote a coursework about an epic story "Ravshan" in the second course, about Mashrab in the third and about philosophy of Rabindranat Tagore in the fourth course. When his first scientific article about the epos "Murodhon" was published in 1971 edited by his first teacher Tura Mirzaev in the collection of famous scientists, he was twenty two years old! As he was finishing the philology department of the university in 1973, he successfully defended his diploma work on a topic "The aesthetic meaning of romanticism" based on a set of five volume collection "Nightingale melodies", which had been recorded from the famous national bahshi  Ergash Jumanbulbul at the faculty of ethics and aesthetics. The head of the scientific work was a moralist Anvar Abdusamatov, his official opponent was famous scientist philosopher Haydar Aliqulov, unofficial opponent, who took part in the discussion, was Bahtiyor Nazarov…  
       If the young man, who successfully defended the diploma work on such a difficult theme at twenty four years of age, had enough scientific articles published, worked at the huge institution such as the institute of Language and literature, and was in the mood of taking minimum exams and writing PhD dissertation, had thought solely of his work and himself, it was sure he would have done his PhD in three years time. His first teacher Tura Mirzaev was glad saying "God sent you to me in place of my first student Farhod Rahimov, who has left such a scientific institution to his Iqon". But he did not think about his future instead he thought of his mother, brothers and sisters in the village, therefore he quietly quit his job and went back to Turkistan as soon as he received his diploma while Tura Mirzaev got a leave.  For several months he worked as a literary specialist and translator in a Turkistan district newspaper. As an annual military service, along with twenty guys of his age he went nine days and nights by train to the regiment near the port Nahodka on the coast of Japanese sea. As a "Scientist who knows Russian like the back of his hand" they wanted to keep him at the headquarters as a writer, but he revolted: "I have worked enough as a writer in the university and institute for six years, send me to such a place so that it looks like a real service!" "By his wish" he was sent to a jungle, where he was left alone among hundred trouble-maker "grandfathers" five-six years younger than him as a "number one" switcher with his arm force of the hammer to the nuclear racket launching mount at the division of permanent military readiness. He vent his frustration from the beatings on the turning the switch. He grabbed the handle and turned it so hard… that he reduced the time shown in the regulations by almost a half and as an exemplary number he walked all test fields from Vladivostok till Volgograd! Only in half a year he passed nearly forty thousand chaqirims sometimes by train, sometimes by plane, and sometimes by bus…  Thinkers have told very precisely "One who walks - a river, who sits - a carpet". If he sat, he would sit drowsing either in the regiment headquarters or in the department of the institute. A carpet or a covering has never become and can never become a serious writer!  A serious writer is the man, who actively tends up to the sky like a roaring lion despite the depression, is not afraid of difficulties, has seen much and experienced many spiritual situations in many circumstances. It is said a doctor is not a doctor unless he experienced the sickness. A writer, so to speak, is a doctor of a human spirit.
       Yes, a genuine writer has to travel much, see much, and know much. But after his return from a year long military service and wandering a twelve chaqirims distance back and forth between the city of Turkistan and the village of Chipon, soon Rahimjon Otaev understood that it was not efficient! Even though his lyric poems are published - in one issue of the district newspaper, his story - in another, his article - in the other issue, their efficiency… Like the saying the good from the praying namaz  is not worth of wasting water used for washing for the namaz... He gave up the inefficient job after a month and decided to do what his father had done: he started to teach Uzbek and Russian languages and literature at the Chipon 8-year school, where his father had worked. After a year when his brother Hakimjon got married and his younger brother Karimjon finished his study at polytechnic institute, at last, the family condition allowed him to do what he liked.  In 1975 he came back to Tashkent, but he could not get a job at the institute of language and literature, which he had refused demonstratively two years ago. He could not reach other "wider areas". He had to do his father's job again. He became a teacher at 200-school in Chilonzor district. At that time the school called after Lenin was one of the support schools of the ministry of national education and it was just established extracurricular clubs on aesthetics, but there was no teacher at this school, who could support the initiative of the minister, leading specialist in aesthetics in the country Said Shermuhamedov! It was beneficial for both sides like a doctor's prescription. Apart from his boiling in the big pot of the institution with more than two thousand pupils, he wrote a methodical book "Aesthetics of life, behavior and work", to be more precise his first scientific-pedagogical article. In summer of 1976 he took the manuscript of the article, his diploma on aesthetics and the annual experience gained in the school and came to the office of the director at that time of the institute of philosophy and law Muzaffar Hayrullaev, who was a good specialist in the area of philosophy of Abu Nasr Forobi. At that time it was agreed to hire him as a laboratory assistant to the department of ethics and aesthetics headed by Shayhova. When he came in three days having quitted his job at school and sorted out all his documents, what a surprise, the situation in the institute was totally different, there was some smoke… The position of laboratory assistant disappeared for some reason. It is said "Shoot before you fall, no standing at a war". He went directly to the office of the minister Said Shermuhamedov, told his problems and asked a direction to study for purpose postgraduate degree in Moscow or in Saint-Petersburg. The minister told "We do not have an opportunity for the postgraduate study, but we can hire you as a methodist in aesthetic development affairs and I personally can be your advisor for your scientific research!"
       Look, again it was just what the doctor ordered. When the Pedagogics science research institute pertaining to the Ministry, shortly, "Pednauk"-"Pedacademia" was first founded in 30-s, a half of the library in Kazan was transferred to this place! At his spare times from writing in Russian at the Ministry, he almost settled down in the rich library. During three years, he read and grasped the scientific views about human senses of hundreds of philosophers starting from Egyptian to Indian philosophers Radhakrishnan and Deshpande, German Freud and Schopenhauer, British Darwin and Russian Mechnikov and finished his scientific research work "Aesthetics of senses" consisting of three hundred pages. A small part of this work, for instance, was published as a scientific-publicistic article with a title "Mysterious world" in 1976 in the famous journal "Guliston" edited by the famous chief editor Asqad Muhtor. Another part was published under the title "Union of spirits" in the newspaper "Tashkent night" edited by Odil Yoqubov. These were the initial examples of scientific-publicistic, scientific-public articles, in brief, essays of Rahimjon Otaev. While he was going to translate his three hundred pages work into Russian, all of a sudden, the special scientific board on the subject of aesthetics in Uzbekistan was ended… I do thirty, my lord does nine! It seemed he was being buried into writing in the Ministry… What can a poor man do?.. After long pondering, he had to do what he knew. He converted the scientific work to essay by changing the title "Aesthetics of senses" to the half string ("The sky full of stars") of the poem of his admired poet Gafur Gulam, giving an additional name ("Conversation about senses") below and transforming scientific statements to literary. He showed the work first to his countryman Odil Yoqubov, who was working as deputy chief editor at the Gafur Gulam publishing house. The well-known writer expressed his care: "One can drown in such an unlimited theme! What, is your soul made of steel! Think about your head!.."
       He delivered the manuscript home of his dear lecturer Norboy Hudoyberganov at the university and left to Turkistan. He got married to a girl named Dilbar, whom he had met about a year ago, worked together at a publishing house and fallen love with. Look, father of the girl was from the old village Boboy and her mother was from the village Savron… He returned "double headed" to Tashkent and phoned Norboy Hudoyberganov. A heart craving reply came back: "I have written a review to your work and submitted to the publishing house. You can go and have a look…" He went, took, and looked through. What a review! The highest grade as a "Work at the degree of scientific invention"! Did the grade come out of the most demanding critic Norboy Hudoyberganov? Probably, his business will go smoothly now!..
       During 1978-1981 Rahimjon Otaev thought seriously about his own head, his family, his single son born at his thirty years, his house - Native land and added his thoughts, multiplied… But the manuscript… during the four years along with the highly praised review of Norboy Hudoyberganov lied without motion. In order to move the manuscript in 1979 he submitted his documents to the organization "Goscomizdat" (present Press and news agency) relying on his experience in writing in Russian and because he could not get a job at the publishing house. When he was going to start the job… the passed away Erkin Boysinov explained as a chief editor with entreaty that Uktam Usmanov from the Central Committee had phoned him and informed that a young writer Murod Muhammad Dust was coming from Moscow to this position! It was known later that the writer was aiming at other higher positions and as usual Rahimjon Otaev found out later that the job was flourished by Azim Suyun, Muhammad Rahmon, and other writers of his age. Rahimjon Otaev was also very persistent, therefore, in four years; in 1981 he arrived at this place. Having come, he began his work in "eight fronts" simultaneously: first of all he set in motion his article at the "Uqituvchi" publishing house and essay at the Gafur Gulam publishing house. Afterwards, he read hundreds of literary works published back to back by tens of publishing houses, wrote reviews and prepared a series of reviews about Uzbek literature in Russian based on them. At the same time, he entered correspondence postgraduate study and started his second scientific work on the topic "Typology of the current Uzbek essays" under the supervision of Norboy Hudoyberganov. And at last, in five-six years of break, he started to write stories and essays himself with great aspiration. In only two-three years he wrote down an essay "Repayable world" (later it was necessary to change its name to "Corona of the universe"), a small essay "A window of the heart", and "Mercy", "Entreat", "Golden apples", "Brother of future Pushkin" and many other stories. True, all of these were published after five-six years later. None of the writer Rahimjon Otaev's prosaic work has been published without such a "break" - there has been needed time to "analyze" them. But the vigor of their production, both production and publishing of the critical articles, was envious!.. In only 1982 apart from many mentioned and unmentioned works, in weekly periodical "Uzbek Literature and Arts" his first critical article "Value of a poem" on the whole page, his first review "Youth at the life crossroad" in the newspaper "Tashkent truth" (about the first essay "Return" of Gaffor Hotam), and many other in total twelve literary-critical articles were written and published one after another. Even Abdulla Ulugov, who submitted documents and took exam for the correspondence postgraduate study with him, was surprised: "Twelve critical articles in a year?.. Why do you need to study for the postgraduate degree?.."
       What should he do? Since his scientific work on aesthetics is in the deadlock… at least he would do a research in study of literature and become a candidate of science, does not the guy know this
       After twenty four years (!) he thought thoroughly and realized that Abdulla Ulugov knew much! He was called by invitation of Sarvar Olimjonovich Azimov and by request of his advisor at the "Goscomizdat" Ruben Akopovich Safarov on August 25, 1983 to the Writers Union to work as a literary advisor on the criticism and the study of literature. After two days there was next meeting of the critic and study of literature board chaired by Vohid Zohidov at the Gafur Gulam publishing house. Coming out of the meeting, he asked and found out that only half volume of his essay "The sky full of stars" had been hardly included into the publishing plan and was going to be published in a day or two, but its large chapter called "The most mysterious sense" was held back from the second proofreading at a considerable cost to the publishing house! He asked and learned that Utkir Hoshimov, who had just started to work as a deputy chief editor, had done it! Why, for what purpose, that is a bit too thick… He could neither laugh nor cry. In his mind there rotated Abdulla Oripov's poem:
       Don't laugh, don't laugh, why do you laugh
       At the man, who is feeling sorry?
       Why did you stretch your hand to poor's
       Property left after thieves?..
       At that time he thought: "It seems one should choose one of the two sides of the "barricade" called essay like Afandi suggested?"...
       He took the proofreading of the chapter to the head of publicistic department of the journal "Eastern star" Murod Hidir. It was published in 1983 in the 12-issue of the journal by additional title "Love, marriage, family and divorce problems" at the same time with the essay "The sky full of stars". It was awarded with the annual prize of the journal. In the meanwhile Salohiddin Mamajonov, who was recently appointed at the position of the chairman of the critic and study of literature board, praised his article so well! "It would be great if a scientist writes one such a wonderful article per year!" R. Otaev wondered from these words, certainly: "Why only one per year?! He finished writing his article in one night and day about seven years ago!.."
       The chief editor of the journal "Eastern star" Pirmat Shermuhamedov both on his and Sarvar Azimov's behalf, moreover, on behalf of Zulfiyahonim praised the article and made an order: "You will write another article "Marriage" similar to this one, brother!" He wrote a new article "Marriage or philosophy of happiness" in two-three days, copied to a white paper and turned in, but the deputy chief editor Hudoyberdi Tuhtaboev calmed him down a little: a half of the article was published in the journal. Anyway, it was his first essay published back to back before its ink dried! Ikrom Otamurod, who was working temporarily in the department of critic and study of literature, ordered to write "'Strokes to the portrait of Erkin Azam", the "strokes" named "May tuneful songs last" was published with lightening speed leaving behind "Marriage or philosophy of happiness" in 2-issue in 1984. In the beginning of spring, there was a seminar of young writers, where he not only participated in the literary critic sessions but also made a report at the closing ceremony instead of the chairman of the ceremony Salohiddin Mamajonov. On twenty first March he was accepted as a member to the Union of Writers. In May he attended VIII conference of young writers of former USSR held in Moscow as an only critic along with Hayriddin Sultonov, Sharof Boshbekov, Qutlibeka Rahimboeva, Hamza Imonberdiev from Uzbekistan. He took part in the critic sessions led by Vitali Ozerov, Ter-Akopyan and Kazbek Sultonov along with Kyrgyz Kalik Ibraimov, Kazakh Shuga Nurpeisova, Azerbaijan Samir Tagizoda and other about forty young critics. His article in Russian ("Horizons of search: problems and character"), which contained an analysis of works of Erkin Azam, Togay Murod, Murod Muhammad Dust, Hayriddin Sultonov, Anvar Obidjon and Gaffor Hotam, was recommended to the journal "People's friendship". Moreover, he received a detailed review of great Russian scientist Yuri Ryurikov, who was an author of rare essay "Three attractions", to his essay "The sky full of stars" translated and sent to Moscow in rush.  In the second half of that year, his two more literary-critic articles, in particular, the articles about three criteria of word art "Depth, width and height" and about youth essay writing "Fate of a hero - fighting" were published one after another in the periodical "Uzbekistan Literature and Art". After much appraisal, they were included into the public collections "Literature and time", "Truth - flag of creativity". At last, in the end of that year 1984, his first essay being motionless for three years started to move and was published in the journal "Youth". The essay depicting the experience of a young philosopher Hakimbek, not Verter, but close to him, was the first prosaic work of R. Otaev in the republican press!.. Thus, if we calculate, R. Otaev's first scientific article was published at his 22 years of age, his scientific-public article at his 27, and his first critic article at his 33, his first prosaic work at his 35 years of age. We want to say that R. Otaev came to the literary prose with the sufficient and serious expertise needed for a writer and naturally, all his works written in the last twenty two years are equivalent to that.
       In the beginning of 1985 it stood the famous question "What to do" before him. He was able to publish his first scientific work, even though half of it, in the form of essay. Should he finish his second scientific work - "Typology of current Uzbek essays" or at least now deal with more focus with the main purpose or final goal - literary prose? In hope to finish his scientific work he lied to the Tashkent mineral water hospital in spring of that year and in twenty four days he wrote a large essay "Sounds of surnay " instead of his scientific work. In the essay the events happened at the Writers Union in that spring were transferred to the Union of Composers and consequently, it described the fate of young composer and music expert Ozod  Ziyodovich Holiqov with a certain degree of allegoric and depth. The essay reflected the independence clearly. Having read the manuscript, the chief editor of the journal "Youth" Murod Hidir approved it warmly and suggested to publish it under the name "Ozod" instead of the name "Melodies of sunray", which was the first line of Gafur Gulam's poem "Surnay". R. Otaev, of course, agreed with pleasure with the reasonable idea. In the meantime, the head of the prose department Erkin Azam came back from a vacation, made Shuhrat Rizaev proofread the manuscript and put a good block before the work. In order to pacify R. Otaev, who rioted out of anger with the "Tricky method", the new chief editor Omon Matjon gave the manuscript to Tohir Malik for another proofreading. It looked Tohir Malik tried to make both wolf full and the lamb intact. Therefore in his review it was suggested to give up the family issues related to the sudden loss and search of children Farhod and Marjon of the young composer Ozod Holiqov and to describe only the events occurred in the Union of Composers. It certainly did not suit the author. In fact, the spiritual state, state of mind, spiritual value of Ozod, who was looking for his Farhod and Marjon, were the sounds of surnay! The manuscript of the essay was preserved carefully for three years in the hands of the new head of the prose department Gaffor Hotamov. In the fourth year Tohir Malik showed a generosity saying "Come on, are you still wandering unable to publish the single essay? Here, publish the way you like!" The work was finally published in 2-issue in 1989.
       What did R. Otaev do during four years in 1985-1989? First of all, he waited with patience for some people to gain a conscience. But, he did not idle, did not drowse, of course… He put the prose aside again and first focused on translation, then on critic and publicism. He translated a novel-essay "Karakalpaknama" and an essay "Letters to my grandfather" of Tulapbergan Kaipberganov from Karakalpak language, the work "Shurabad" of Iranian writer Muhammad Ali Jamolzoda from Russian, an essay "The song of existence" of Kazakh writer Muhtor Magavin from Kazakh to Uzbek.  Most of them were published in the journals one by one. A great work might choke, but will not die. One of them, "The song of existence" was published in the journal "World literature" after exactly ten years in 1998 by strong support of passed away Ozod Sharafiddinov.
       Once he lost his hope from his second scientific work, he thought that a road to the fields wider than essay opened before him. There were published many articles and reviews, in particular, "Caravan of wisdom", in which Odil Yoqubov's novel "Ancient world" was thoroughly analyzed aesthetically, was published in the journal "Youth" in 3-issue in 1986; "Birth of innovation" in the journal "Guliston" in 1986; "Horizons of search: problems and character", which the journal "People's friendship" delayed, was published in the journal "Eastern star" in 6-issue in 1986; "Epic depiction and analysis" devoted to the analysis of Odil Yoqubov's novel "Swans, white birds" was published in the public collection "Literature and art" in 1987.  Moreover, his articles about the creative search of Gaffor Hotam and Abbos Said, about problems of the children's literature in Russian "Responsible for all", "Start from yourself" were published in the newspapers such as "Truth of East", "Komsomolets of Uzbekistan". Now thinking about it one regrets! Time, effort, dreams gone in vain!.. If Bahtiyor Nazarov had written four-five research works such as "Gafur Gulam's world" instead of the works as a government official in almost twenty years of his promotion from the position of director of the institute of Language and literature to the position of vice-president of the Academy of Science, it would have been such a nice work! The same way, if R. Otaev had not got distracted by the passing worlds and written at least one essay like "Sounds of surnay" per year!..
       No, the real critic is also a true art relating to the eternity. The art can always attain the eternity only by relying on the everlasting works. Among many literary-critic articles and reviews, there is hope for the future of his two articles, in which Odil Yoqubov's two undying works were analyzed from a new perspective. The articles "The rays of a morning star" dedicated to the analysis of Chulpan's novel "Night and day" published in 1-issue in 1989 and "The light of imagination" devoted to the analysis of Chulpan's drama "Yorqinoy" published in the weekly periodical "Uzbekistan Literature and Art" in the same year can be added next to them. Especially, the scientists such as Umarali Normatov and Begali Qosimov, later Dilmurod Quronov and Bahodir Karim lauded the two articles at the time. Low bow to the scientists, who have noticed the author's critic views at that time and after fifteen years!
       The works of great Chulpan had a spiritual strength to awaken many drowsing souls! Sometimes the author looks at the firmness of his many publicistic and literary-critic articles, stories and essays written with great enthusiasm in 1989-1991 and thinks "Oh my God, have I written these?".  What is to be done, it is a heritage from Navoi and Pushkin that there will appear this sense in every writer's heart!.. For instance, one can say that the publicistic articles "Know business rather word" ("Voice of Uzbekistan", February 25, 1989), "Qalpoq  market" ("National word", January 1990), "Language and nation's son or elixir of life to the dried tongue" ("Guliston", 1990), "Bent wings of a sparrow" ("Young Leninist", 1990), "Where is logic?" ("Communication", 1992) can be considered as serious tests on the way to convert literary publicism to a real literary fiction. Written in this period or written earlier and at last published articles "Mercy" ("Uzbekistan literature and art", 1989), "Entreat" ("Young Leninist", 1990), "Father" ("Youth", 1991), "Otabosh" ("Guliston", 1991), the fantastic essay "Conversation with Tagore" ("Art", 1990), the essays "Wonder", "Love", "Respect", "Reproach", "Hatred", "Encouragement", "Complaint" in the series of "The seven climates of heart" are also firm examples of a short literary prose, which do not surrender to the cruel verdict of time. Most of these works have been published by a pseudonym "Otauli" . Not "Ota" , "Otaturk" , "Otaliq" , "Otabek" , "Otajon", but only "Otauli"…
       He became "Otauli" at his forty years of age, got rid of the empty handedness of the seven-eight years a little and soon had his two books published. In 1990 the novel-essay "Karakalpaknama" of the well-known Karakalpak writer T. Kaipberganov was published as a book by the Gafur Gulam publishing house with R. Otaev's translation. In summer 1991 - in the threshold of the historical day of independence of Uzbekistan the collection of essays "Sounds of surnay" and "The seven climates of heart" ("Young guard", proofreaders: a scientist Mahmudjon Nurmatov and a writer Shodmon Otabek) were published. Right, it was going to be published a collection of literary-critic articles called "The ability of idea and word" consisting of 10 printer's sheet written with the passed away Gulam Gafurov. Moreover, the authors' fees were received and the book was approved to be published. The collection has not been published as a book probably because of the translation from Karakalpak, of his book in the neighbor publishing house, of "his neighbor" in this book, of the reasons impossible to find out. Since then Otauli has been working in the Union of Writers for twenty three years, worked as a critic with zeal, written hundreds of critic articles, reviews, essays, but has not seen his own literary-critic collection. Like undying Hoja Nasriddin Afandi said "Hopefully, your husband", if God wishes, he will have his book of literary thoughts published named as "Pyramid of soul"!
       By the way, his hands were not very empty on this matter! In the beginning of 1990 when it was being made preparation for the next meeting of Uzbekistan writers, the chairman of the union at that time Odil Yoqubov took the poet and translator of children's literature Miraziz Azam and R. Otaev to the Creative house of writers in Dormon. Two of them prepared a book called "Uzbek literature in 1985-1990" in a month. It was published in 1,000 copies and distributed to the participants of the meeting. In one third part of the book it was poured R. Otaev's heart, in particular, his personal observations not only about Uzbek prose, publicism, drama, and literary criticism, but also the work "Rough meetings" written as a reply to "Majolis un nafois". Although it was published in the rotaprint method, it has not turned yellow like the author in sixteen years and interested people can still read it easily…
       What else has left out here that can be told and must be told? It only left to answer the question: "What has hardworking Otauli done since 1991 as a critic, publicist and translator?"
       Otauli started writing a weighty work "Mystery of mysteries (Turkistan doston )" consisting of three parts and five hundred pages in 1989 at his forty years of age and finished it at last in 1993 at his forty four years of age (it should be told to have a clear understanding that starting at Chulpan's age and finished at Qodiri's age). Usually every writer has his or her main work. In his main work finished at Otauli's forty four years of age, it is described the courses of life of three brave brothers to the independence of Uzbekistan, more precisely, to the law on state language - ordinary farmer Sobir the melonman, trader master Qodir the dexterous and intelligent (linguist scientist) Kenja Botir (Botir Zokirov). One part ("The story of Qodir the dexterous") of the work consisting of 150 pages was published in 12-issue of the journal "Eastern star" in 1994 and in 1995 it was awarded by Alp Jamol prize established by the Writers Union and the "Alp Jamol" corporation. Another part ("The story of Sobir the melonman") containing 100 pages was published in 3-4-issues of the journal "Youth" in 1995. Some passages of the main part (250-page volume "The story of Kenja Botir") have been published in many leading newspapers and journals such as "Voice of Uzbekistan", "Life in village", "Communication", "Tashkent night", "Young force", "Morning star", etc. The manuscript has been remaining for thirteen years in the Gafur Gulam publishing house without any movement. During these thirteen years, there have come to and left four-five directors the publishing house. Almost all works, which have won the Alp Jamol prize, have been published as a book. Much water has flowed under the bridges and many trees have been cut. The humanity is intending to fly to the planets other than the Moon. So many books are being published in multivolume at many publishing houses. But the book "Mystery of mysteries (Turkistan doston)" still has not been able to fit this large world… Is this what the saying goes "It is a large world to a generous person"?!.
       At that time in 1994-1995 Otauli thought "Ok, it has a very big volume, I have opened my embrace wider, maybe, later it will fit", of course, hoped for good and did what he knew. In hope "it will help fit" he wrote a series of short articles called "Word about word", where he interpreted an etymological meaning of old Turkish words. He has published the overall forty articles in the newspapers and journals one by one. At the same time, thinking "Hopefully, this one will fit" he wrote a new prosaic work "Afandi will not die" containing two hundred and fifty pages once again borrowing the title from the great Gafur Gulam and finished it in 1997. On the way he analyzed Odil Yoqubov's "Ulugbek's treasure" and "Conscience" and wrote a critic work "Torch of education and mentality" containing fifty pages. There has not left a word untold about these two best works, but people wanting to comment them are a great number. It means, the work can be kept in reserve for now and there is no need to increase the number of competitors! But where the doston "Messenger (Afandi will not die)", in which the wonderful adventures of Hoja Nasriddin Afandi of present time - Nasriddin Latifiddinovich Hojanazarov are written interestingly and playfully, can fit as a whole?.. The well-known Karakalpak writer T. Kaipberganov has given three-word "approve" and helped much in fitting the half of the work in the journal "Youth" in 1998 and showed a great generosity unforgettable until death. The stubbornness of a persistent person was dangerous that in 1998 he wrote probably the shortest prosaic doston in the world "Nation (Forobi's friend)" containing only fifty pages in hope "This one will surely fit as a whole!" To write about the great philosopher someday was his thirty-year dream. Everyone has a mountain to rest against and a grave to strive for. For a poor philosopher writer Forobi is a very good mountain! In the work it was described the experience of the great scholar at the prophet's age  in one street and one night in Tashkent city, who was taking his favorite student Said Ali and his only son Nasriddin to his fatherland, and his conversation with Bugrohon, founder of the Karahani sultanat ...  Also, he collected all his ideas unentered "Messenger", in which it was artistically portrayed  a beautiful symbol for the character and mentality of Turkistan Nation, wrote another series of small articles called "Nation's character" and started to publish them one by one. The main goal and final purpose was certainly clear to anyone: "As "Mystery of mysteries (Turkistan doston" is divided into many parts, what could be done, hopefully, this Undying Afandi will be published as a book consisting of ten printing sheets!" Believe or not, first of all in this hope, he ended his work started long time ago and prepared a critic review containing fifty pages called "Nation's character in Erkin Azam's prose" in the section "Peers about peers". Moreover, he added his articles from the two series into this review and brought order to another book's manuscript called "Precious words". So, who will lavish and publish this one?..
       Right, in 1997 he had his book published after six years. T. Kaipberganov's novel-essay "Karakalpaknama" was republished by "Sharq " publishing house. The quality of the book was so high that everyone would be envious! May it get published thousand times, but a translation is a translation, someone else's property! In 1998-1999 two more works were published as a translation from Kazakh in the journal "World literature". First, as abovementioned, Muhtor Magavin's essay "Song of existence" was published at last after ten years. Then, Abish Kekilboev's essay "Horserace" was translated and published by the order of the journal. These too are exemplary works of contemporary Kazakh writers… But their author is not R. Otaev either!
       Where, when and how can he publish his works "Messenger" and "Nation" as a whole book? In search of way out, he analyzed all eight novels in detail published during 1998 and in the beginning of 1999 and wrote a review "Breath of passing days". In the review, in particular, he posed a question "Why is there no single novel on the contemporary topic during the seven years of independence of Uzbekistan?" at the meeting of writers first and at the press later.  Perhaps, this serious question was a decisive incitement, who knows, in a while, his work "Messenger (Afandi will not die)" was finally published as a whole book! Taking the testing copy of the book, the chief editor at that time Bobur Alimov of "Sharq" PPSC  remarked to Otauli: "Had you not tell to the drawer, brother Rahim, would he have written your name and surname visible to eyes, so small!" Otauli's heart was filled: "Having respect for Afandi and Kaipberganov I thank God that the book has been published this way, thank you!"
Being satisfied with Afandi, he personally received the copy of the doston "Alpomish" published fully for the first time, whose millennium anniversary was widely celebrated in that year, as a beautiful book and priceless present from the hands of his first teacher Tura Mirzaev.  Such a book!.. After the famous foreword written by Hamid Olimjon to the first edition of the best work, one can say, he made a thorough aesthetic analysis of the work for the first time and wrote an essay "Nation's immortal hero" containing 90 pages. He has read the essay himself in five-six parts at the radio. But this work has not fit any journal and has not been published as a separate book. Leaving "Alpomish" for a while, he returned to "Forobi": "How can he publish the only fifty pages big "Nation"?.. In search of a solution, he opened his heart to his dear friend T. Kaipberganov. The big writer has read it, congratulated and lavished according to his character: "Come on, little brother, I will write something to this your work too. You know, the words "karahani" and "Karakalpak" have the same root!" Otauli's heart was filled again: "You have approved "Afandi…" and done a work no Uzbek had been able to do, brother!  I will not forget that your good and this your generosity until death. Now hopefully there will be an Uzbek writer, who can appreciate Forobi!.." "Then, you should not waste your time on trifles and should get the approval from Abdulla, little brother! Don't be shy, don't hesitate!"
       Otauli showed courage and Oripov generosity, thus, "Nation (Forobi's friend)" was published in 2-issue of the journal "Eastern star" in 2000! Nor reduced nor divided! It was a double holiday for Otauli. First of all, "Nation" is the only literary work about Abu Nasr Forobi written in 1050 year history of Uzbek literature. Second of all, Abdulla Oripov's Word to this work is the only Word in Uzbek language said separately about the creative work of Otauli!..
       But Otauli's joy did not last long. It was fine that no writer or scientist had told a word at the press about the book "Messenger" for a year or at least it had not been given a message "Such a book was published" in a periodical given about many other books. (It must be told that after two years our famous writer Pirimqul Qodirov told excitedly "There is a book on a contemporary topic demanded by our president, here it is!" showing to the book "Messenger" in his hands in 2001, however, the comments have not been published in the press. The most surprising thing was that in 2000 it was published a critic article "Doston or prediction?" of the professor Sanjar Sodiq about the work "Nation" in the periodical "Uzbekistan literature and art" without any hinders! Even the title of the article was against logic. (If it were called "Doston or story?" or "Prediction or mere word?" it would be a logical question!) The article itself seemed to pretend a fool like "Interesting, can doston be written in prose too?"... What can be done now? First he wrote a rejecting article "Epos of the East" trying to explain what doston was and what types of it existed. Unable to publish it, he thought: is it necessary to prove the existence of prosaic doston to the professor with PhD? In general, how and what can you prove to the "scientists of the end of the world", who are doing that into water deliberately? There is no way other than asking conscience to them from God!.. He could not stop himself from posing one of the thousand burning questions before Abdulla Oripov: "All right, let them not respect me nor Forobi, who died a thousand and fifty years ago, should not they respect your words, I do not understand?.." In response to the question the genius poet made such a facial expression that no language or pencil in the world can comment it… Anyway, in the expression he felt the thinker's silent consolation, support, and call for watchfulness as "Don't worry, but be alert at the same time"…
       Otauli was a hardworking person; therefore, he continued to carry out his job, certainly. First, he wrote a five-page historical article "Haddi  Iskandari " imitating great writer Alisher Navoi's doston "Saddi  Iskandari". It was published in the newspaper "Writer" in the end of 2000. For an understanding man there were two messages in the article: "Here, see it is not a doston, but a historical story!", "Even if you were Alexander the Great, don't permit yourself too much, dear brother, have a heart!"..
Then during a year he shook the pencil vigorously and finished writing his new doston "The order of time" in the end of 2001. The work was published after two years in 2003 in the journal "Eastern star" (with the smallest font size in the history of the Uzbekistan press!). In these two years, and in general, during next five years, naturally, Otauli has written many works where needed. For example, the articles "Report", "Naturalist", "Observation", and the five articles in the series "The pyramid of soul"… At the moment, he is about to finish his fifth new prosaic doston about a patriotic man, a psychologist, who can be called "Here, Uzbek Freud!"…
       Three years ago, Otauli submitted a manuscript of the book to the publishing house "East", which included the selected articles and essays written for the works "The order of time" and "Nation" at different times and gave a clear idea about the creative work of Otauli. For three years he has been running and looking for a generous person in whole country and asking many cold people in hope to publish the book!.. Honestly, it can not fit not only into the short autobiography, but also the work bigger than "The doston of Turkistan"!
       It is said that passed away Mirtemir domla read his poem "Dear mother", one of the most beautiful poems of XX century Uzbek poetry, at the threshold of sixty years old at the large meeting with well-known poets of the Writers Union and asked modestly: "Could you tell me if I can publish the poem?.." Of course, Otauli does not wish or imitate Mirtemir domla's this state. As an employee of the Uzbekistan Writers Union for twice as long as Mirtemir domla - for twenty three years and nowadays a writer, who is writing his fifth doston "Conscience", wants only to ask a conscience: "Can a hardworking writer, who has been working for forty years in four-five directions, have a single, hardcover, considerably qualitative book not a multivolume selections like others at the threshold of sixty years of age?! Where are you, the heavenly conscience?!"
       Comment: In our nation there is a wise saying "Die for yourself, orphan" It is the most bitterly funny proverb in the world! As the best work "Prankish boy" shows that an orphan does not die for himself, on the contrary, he does his best to survive. One of the methods of such struggle as everybody knows is considered a self-service…
       In our current literature the kinds of self-service have been continuously increasing… The presenter of only one of them to Your attention and the translator, publicist and critic, who jotted down the autobiography of Otauli on a white paper

Rakhimjon OTAEV
¡çáåê O'zbek Ðóññêèé English
Sahifa yaratilish sanasi - 2006 yil yanvar. Oxirgi yangilanish sanasi - 2010 yil avgust
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