Muallif: Otauli
Tarjima: Farruh Ataev

Haddi Iskandariy
Tarixiy hikoya

       Yer yuzida haq va adolatni qaror toptirish yo'lida butun G'arbu Sharq, jumladan, Arabistonu Hindiston, Eronu Turon tuproqlarini egallab, kuni kecha Isfijob bilan O'trorni zabt etgan Iskandar Zulqarnayn qo'shini favqulodda shujoat bilan Yassi qal'asi tomon ot surdi. Qal'aga taxminan o'n chaqirimcha qolganida uzoqdan ulkan bir tepalik ko'rindi. Yaqinlashganlarida uning ustiyu yon-bag'irlarida tumonat odam ko'zga tashlandi. Butun bir qishloq ko'chib chiqqanmi, nima balo, oralarida yoshu qari, xotin-xalaj, hattoki emizikli go'daklargacha bor!
       Tepa bag'ridan bir guruh nuroniy qariyalar ajralib chiqib, qo'shinga peshvoz yurdilar. Qishloq oqsoqoli bo'lsa kerak, yuz yoshdan oshgan bir nuroniy qariya qo'lini ko'ksiga qo'yib yoysimon egilgan ko'yi Iskandarga o'ktam qarash qildi:
- Marhabo, sohibqiron! Xush kelibsiz! Qadamlariga hasanot!..
       Necha yillardan buyon behisob qishlog'u kentlarni zabt etib, bunday ochiq yuz va keng quloch bilan quchoq ochib kutib olishni ko'rmagan jahongir avvalo o'zidan yoshi ikki barobar ulug' otaxon, qolaversa, uning ikki yonida va ortida jamlangan jamoaning susi bosib beixtiyor ordan tushdi. Qariya bilan quchoqlashib ko'rishgach, u boshlagan tomonga yurdi. Ko'm-ko'k gilamdek qalin ajriqzor ustiga to'shalgan guldor paloslar, anvoyi gilamlar, to'kin dasturxonu banoras ko'rpachalarga qarab hayratiga hayrat qo'shildi. Bosqinchini kutib olyaptimi bular yo olamdagi eng aziz mehmonini?! Sir boy bermay oqsoqolning iltifotiga ko'ra ko'rpachaga tiz cho'kdi. Unga yuzma-yuz qariyaning o'zi, har ikkisining ikki tomoniga a'yonlaru oqsoqollar o'tirdilar.
- Qishlog'imizga xush kelibsiz, mehmon, qadamlariga gul bitsin!..
       Iskandar tag'in sir boy bermadi.
- Tashakkur, oqsoqol… - O'zinimi-qariyani alahsitish umidida tepa atrofiga sipo qarash qildi: - Bu qanday qishloq?
       Qariyaning chiroyi yana-da ochildi:
- Qishlog'imizni "Iyiqon" deydilar, mehmon! "Iyiqon" deganlari yunon tilida "ezgu qon", "yaxshi qon", "qoni toza" degan ma'nolarni anglatadi. Men shu qishloqning oqsoqoliman, otim Qoruvli. Qishlog'imizni yana "Qoruvlilar qishlog'i" deyishadi. Sababi bizning butun ajdodlarimiz qoruvli qorovul, dovyurak soqchi, sergak posbon o'tgan…
Iskandarning yuz-ko'zida sezilar-sezilmas istehzo zuhur ko'rsatdi:
- Nimani qorovullaysiz?..
- Shu el-yurtni, hamqishloqlarni, o'z-o'zimizni.
- Kimdan?
- Insofini yo'qotib qo'ygan yomon odamlardan.
- Nima bilan?..
- Yaxshi so'z bilan, mehmondo'stlik bilan, insof bilan…
       Iskandar avval yonidagi a'yonlariga, keyin ortidagi qo'shiniga bir sidra ko'z tashladi:
- Biz… yer yuzida haq va adolarni qaror toptirish azmidagi yaxshi odamlarmiz!.. Sizlarga ham olib keldik!
- Nimani "olib keldik?"
- Haq bilan adolatni-da!
       Nuroniy otaxon endi soqolini tutamlab bir muddat sukutga toldi-da, ohista dedi:
- Shuncha yo'l yurib… Bular o'zimizda ham yetarli edi-ku! Bizda yo'q narsalarni olib kelsangizlar ekan! Yo… sizdek adolatpeshaning topgan-tutgani anovi… nayza bilan qilichmi?!.
       Iskandaning yuziga qon tepdi. Oppoq soqolini hurmat qilganiga… qarib quyulmagan chol… haddidan oshyapti-ku! Bu xom sut emgan banda kuch - adolatda emas, adolat - kuchdaligini, Aleksandrning qilichi ne bir o'tkir tillardan o'tkirroqligini bilmaydi, shekilli! Bildirib qo'ysinmi?!. Oldi-ortiga qarab, jahlini bazo'r tiydi, biroq qariya tilini tiymadi:
- Tinch-osuda yashab turgan qurolsiz ulusning bosh ustiga qilich o'ynatib kelish… shu ham adolatdanmi, sohibqiron?!.
       Iskandar endi beixtiyor jahliga ham, tiliga ham erk berdi:
- Jallod?.. Avval tili, keyin boshi kesilsin!
       Lekin oqsoqol pinagini buzmadi:
- Tilim kesilishidan avvalroq ogohlantirib qo'yay, sohibqiron! Agar chinakam adolatpesha bo'lsang, shu tepada yolg'iz meni emas, butun iyiqonlilarni o'ldirib, ana undan keyingina Yassi qal'asiga o'tasan! Bizning yagona iltimosimiz ham, talabimiz ham shu! Biz iyiqonlilar baayni bir jonu bar tanmiz. Yaratgan Tangriga shukur, shu paytgacha iyiqonlilar ichidan bironta nomard-sotqin chiqmagan!..
       Iskandar oqsoqolning bosh ustida qilish yalang'ochlagan jallodga "to'xta" ishorasini qildi. Hayratini yashirolmadi.
- Nahotki?!. Sening o'limga roziliging-ku, tushunarli! Biroq Hamqishloqlaringdan hech kim… nahotki o'limdan qo'rqmasa?!.
- Xuddi shunday! Biz uchun hamjihatlik yo'lida o'lish ham sharaf, sohibqiron!
       Iskandar bir muddat lol qotib o'yga toldi. Bo'lishi mumkin emas! O'limdan qo'rqmaslik qadar mard bo'lish mumkin, albatta, lekin mardlikning turlari shu qadar ko'pki!.. Boylikka sotilmaslik, mansabga uchmaslik, baloyi nafsga berilmaslik, huzur-halovatlardan o'z ixtiyori bilan voz kechib, shirin jondan ajrash… osonmi?!.
Nihoyat, Iskandar o'z ahdini ma'lum qildi:
- Yaxshi! Ko'ramiz! Mayli, sening boshing tursin, men atigi uchtagina hamqishlog'ingni sinovdan o'tkazay-chi!..
       Shartlashuvga binoan Iskandar tepa bag'ridagi o'tovga yolg'iz o'zi kirib, huzuriga iiqonlilar orasidagi bir Bukrini chorladi:
- Nahot bu dunyodan bir umr bukrayib, qaddingni rostlaolmay o'tib ketaversang?!. Istaysanmi, oqsoqolni o'ldirib, qishloqning butun inon-ixtiyorini sening qo'lingga topshiraman?! Aks holda oqsoqol emas, sen o'lasan?!.
       Bukrining qaddi beixtiyor rostlandi:
- O'zim Bukri bo'lsam ham ko'nglim to'g'ri, sohibqiron! Iyiqonlilarga isnod keltirganimdan o'lganim yaxshi!
O'tovdan Bukri qad rostlab chiqib, uning o'rniga Pakana pildirab kirdi. Iskandar siporishini qo'yib, muddaoga ko'chdi:
- Nafaqat o'z hamqishloqlaring, saltanatimdagi jamiki novchalar sening oldingda ikki bukilib turadi! O'zingni ulardan balandroq his qilib, zir yugurtirib huzurlanishni xohlaysanmi?!.
       Nazarida Pakananing qaddi ko'z oldida bir gaz o'zgandek bo'ldi:
- Yo'q, xohlamayman! O'zga yurtda sulton bo'lguncha o'z yurtimda ulton bo'lib o'lganim yaxshi, sohibqiron! Axir , meni Pakana qilib yaratgan novchalar emas-ku!..
Pakananing o'rnini Maymoq egalladi.
- Saltanatimning yarim boyligini senga beraman! "Og'zi qiyshiq bo'lsayam boyning bolasi gapirsin". Sen gapiraverasan, boshqa hamma, shu jumladan, hamqishloqlaring baliqdek jim eshitaveradi. Sening aytganing aytgan, deganing degan bo'ladi. Og'zingdan chiqqani muhayyo qilinadi… Xo'sh, nima deysan shunga?..
       Maymoqning og'zi qiyshiqligi daf'atan yo'qoldi:
- Mening eng katta boyligim - hamqishloqlarim bilan hamjihatligim, hamnafasligim, ahilligim… Ular o'lsa - o'laman, yashasa - yashayman!
       Iskandar Maymoq bilan oldinma-ketin o'tovdan chiqib, tantanali xitob qildi:
- Biz o'z haddimizga yetib kelibmiz, birodarlar!.. Bilasiz, ustozim Aristotel "Hoy makedoniyalik Aleksandr, mayli, jahonni egallasang egalla, faqat o'z haddingni bil, haddingdan oshma, insof yo'lini tut!" deb nasihat qilgan edi. Xudoga shukur, men o'z haddimni axiyri bildim! Manovi qishloq Xitoy devoridan ham mustahkamroq devor, metin qo'rg'on, mahobatli istehkom ekanki, undan oshib o'tishga shaxsan o'zim ojizman!.. To'g'ri, bu qishloqning butkul xonavayron qilib, hammalarini qirib tashlashga kuchimiz yetadi, biroq ko'ra-bila turib bu ibratomuz birlikni, birdamlik-hamjihatlikni yo'q qilish… o'taketgan noinsoflik, bizning sha'nimizga yarashmaydigan nohaqlik, uchchiga chiqqn adolatsizlik bo'lur edi!.. Yo'q, men o'z vijdonimga xilof ish tutib, haddimdan osholmayman!.. Bugun shu manzilda otlarimizga dam berib, ertaga ortimizga qaytamiz. Manovi Murodtepada safarimizni qaritamiz. Gap shu, birodarlar!..
       "Bir kunlik mehmon"lar mezbonlar bilan dilkash suhbatlarda kechani kunduzga uladilar. Iskandar biri biridan nuroniyroq otaxonlarning biri-biridan bama'niroq gaplarini tanasiga o'ylab, ularning mag'zini chaqib, yana bir karra qattiq hayratga tushdi: "Mana, ko'rib qo'ying, bitta emas, o'nta, yuzta, mingta Atistotel! Faqat bu aristotellarning o'z gaplarini qog;ozga tushirib ovora bo'lishga xushlari yho'q, lekin hammalari eshitganini quloqqa qo'rg'oshindek quyishga ustasi farang ekan!.. Bir keha ming kecha emas! Shu bir kechada mingta Aristotel bilan biryo'la suhbatlashish… o, naqadar ulug' baxt bu! Izlay-izlay topgan haddi, intila-intila yetib kelgan sarhadi bu!.."
       Saharmardonda donishmandu mardi maydon mezbonlar bilan quyuq xayr-ma'zur qilishib, ortlariga qaytdilar. Iskandar ot ustida o'zini qushdek yengil his qildi. "Darhaqiqat, iyiqonlilar ekan, qoruvlilar ekan, qorovullar ekan! - deb o'yladi o'zicha ich-ichidan orziqib. Orziqishi shunday bir ezgu tilakka o'z-o'zidan ulanib ketdi: - Qaniydi butun jahon ahli shu qishloqdagilardek hamjihat, hamnafas, baayni bir jony bir tan bo'lsa!..
Author: Otauli
Translated by Farrukh Ataev

Alexander the Great
Historical story

       Just yesterday, on the way to establishing truth and justice on Earth, the army of Alexander the Great, conquered Isfijan and Utrar. This army has also defeated all the West and East, in particular, Arabian and Indian, Iranian and Turanian lands. Now it headed eagerly toward Yassi castle. At a distance of ten chaqirims they could see a huge highland. As they approached, they saw crowds of people on top of and at the foot of the highland. What is the matter, did the whole village come out to this place? There were young and elders, women, and even infants!
       A group of hallowed old men separated from the crowd and welcomed the army. An old man over a hundred years old, who must have been a village chairman, placed his hand on his chest, bowed and looked courageously at Alexander:
- Greetings, General! Welcome!...
       The commander, who had won many villages and towns, was welcomed warmly. He, at the request of the men twice his age, and of the people standing around him, got off his horse. He hugged the old man and walked the way he showed. Patterned palliasses, miscellaneous carpets, abundant tables and satin kurpachas lay on a densely grassy land like a green carpet. Are they welcoming an invader or their dearest guest?! Hiding his astonishment he knelt on the kurpacha the chairman offered. The old man sat opposite him and his entourage and others took seats besides him.
- Welcome to our village, dear guest, may flowers grow at your steps!...
       Alexander hid his surprise again.
- Thanks, old man… - He glanced around the highland: - What village is this?
The old man's face brightened:
- Our village is called "Iyiqon", guest. In Greek, the word means "virtuous blood", "good blood", "pure blood". I am the village's chairman, Koruvli. Our village is also called "Koruvlis' village". Because all our ancestors were strong watchman, courageous guards, vigilant sentries …
       In Alexander's face and eyes appeared a slight sarcasm:
- What do you guard?...
- This nation, countrymen, ourselves.
- From whom?
- From the bad people, who have no conscience.
- With what?
- With good words, hospitality, conscience…
       Alexander first looked at his entourage around him, then at his army behind him:
- We … are good people, who intend to find truth and justice on Earth! … We have brought it to you too!
- What did you bring?
- Truth and justice!
       The old man thought for a while, holding his beard, then at last, smiled gently:
- You made such a long journey in vain… We have them enough ourselves! If you had brought something we didn't have! Or … all the just people like you have acquired are those … spears and swords?!
       Alexander grew angry. He respected the man's white beard … but the light-minded man … was overstepping his boundaries! It seemed that the man did not know that power is not in justice, but justice is in power. Alexander's sword is sharper than the sharpest tongues! Should he prove it?! Looking around, he hardly restrained his anger, but the old man didn't hold his tongue:
- Is it fair to come by brandishing sword above on an unarmed nation, who has been living peacefully, General?!
       Now Alexander freed both his anger and tongue unintentionally:
- Executioner? … Cut his tongue first, then his head!
       However, the old man remained calm.
- Before my tongue gets cut off, I warn you, general! If you are truly a just person, then on the hill you will kill not only me, but also all the Iyiqon people, and only after that will you pass to Yassi castle! It is our sole request and requirement! We, Iyiqon people, are like a single soul and body. Thanks to God, so far, there hasn't been a betrayer among Iyiqons.
       Alexander held up his hand to stop the executioner, who was holding his sword above the man's head. He couldn't conceal his amazement.
- Oh really?! Your consent to death is understandable! But among your countrymen… is everyone really not afraid of death?!
- That's right! For us it is an honor to die for unity, general!
       Alexander engaged in thought with surprise. It can't be! One can be as fearless as not to be afraid of death, of course, but the kinds of meanness are too many!... Is it easy not to be sold for wealth, not to covet a good position, to refrain from greed, to willingly refuse one's own pleasure and give up one's sweet life… ?!
       At last, Alexander announced his decision:
- All right! We'll see! I leave your head alone and test only three of your countrymen!...
According to the agreement, Alexander entered a tent at a side of the hill and invited a
       Humpback from among the Iyiqon people:
- Do you really agree to live out your life humpbacked and not to be able to straighten your body?! Would you like me to kill the chairman and hand the control of the village over to you?! Otherwise, you will die instead of the old man?!
       Humpback's body suddenly straightened:
- Although I have a humpback, my soul is right, general! It is better to die than bring a disgrace to Iyiqon!
       The Humpback came out of the tent straightened up and a Midget quickly went in. Alexander put hospitality aside and got to work:
- Not only your countrymen, but also all tall people in my kingdom will stand bowed before you! Would you like to feel yourself higher than them and to feel pleased by having them run your errands?!
       It seemed the Midget's height grew a meter in his eyes:
- No, I would not! It is better to be a shepherd on the native land than to be a king on another, general! You see, it is not the tall people, who created me short!...
       The Midget's left and a deformed man took his place.
- I will give you half of my kingdom! Despite the curved mouth, let the rich man's son speak. You will speak and all others, in particular, your countrymen will listen. Whatever you say will be fulfilled. All that comes out of your mouth will be done… So, what do you say to this?...
       The Cripple's mouth defect suddenly disappeared:
- My biggest wealth is my unity, wholeness, and unanimity with my countrymen… If they die - I die, they live - I live!
       Alexander followed the Cripple out of the tent and said excitedly:
- It looks as if we have reached our bounds, brothers! … You know, my teacher Aristotle has advised me "Macedonian Alexander, well, you can conquer the world, but know your measure and bounds, don't overstep it. Adhere to the way of justice and conscience!" Thanks to God, I finally realized my bound! This village has more resistance than the Great Wall of China. It is so strong and vast a fortress that I'm unable to climb over it!... Of course, we have enough power to destroy the village and massacre all its inhabitants, but the conscious destruction of such exemplary unity would be incorrect and unjust that wouldn't comply with my reputation! … No, I can't go against my conscience and overstep my bound! … Today we give rest to our horses here and will go back tomorrow. We conclude our travel at the Muradhighland. That is all, brothers!...
       The guests conversed warmly with the hosts until the morning. Alexander was amazed once again thinking over the words of one wiser man after another. "Here, look, not one, not a hundred, but a thousand Aristotles! Only these Aristotles are uninterested in jotting down their words on a paper, however, they are masters at keeping in mind what they hear! … A night is not a thousand nights! At this night to speak with a thousand Aristotles simultaneously is … oh, what happiness! It is the boundary he found searching and seeking, the area he arrived striving and struggling!...
       As dawn broke, they bid farewell to the wise, brave hosts and returned home. Alexander felt as light as a bird on top of his horse. "Indeed, they are Iyiqons, strong guards!" - he thought admiringly. His admiration followed by a good wish:
- Be the people of the world united and unanimous as a single soul and body like the people of the village!...

1. Isfijan,
2. Utrar - cities in Central Asia;
3. Yassi mausoleum - the mausoleum of Akhmad Yassaviy, the saint who lived in IX-X
4. 1 chaqirim - 1.06 kilometers
5. kurpacha - a blanket to sit on
6. Koruvli - guard
7. Muradhighland - the name of the hill, which means Wishland.
Sahifa yaratilish sanasi - 2006 yil yanvar. Oxirgi yangilanish sanasi - 2010 yil avgust
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